Recomiendo el cliente @MonaApp para #Mastodon , repleto de funciones de personalización. Optimización para VoiceOver y diseño nativo.
#mastodon #mastodonclient #apple #iphone
Recomiendo el cliente @MonaApp para #Mastodon , repleto de funciones de personalización. Optimización para VoiceOver y diseño nativo.
#mastodon #mastodonclient #apple #iphone
Habe noch nicht den richtigen #mastodonclient für #linux gefunden.
#whalebird nervt mich mit fehlenden #features
- kein Alt-Text für Bilder
- keine Funktion zum Folgen von Hashtags
- wird im Laufe der Zeit immer träger und langsamer
- kaum Hilfe im Netz zu finden
Kennt jemand eine gute Alternative, auch für mehrere Accounts?
#mastodonclient #linux #whalebird #features
This might already be #RetroComputing :)
Do you know a simple, low resource, #MastodonClient for #32Bit #LinuxDesktop
Espically nice would be
- independ portable executable
- can be run in paralell for seperate accounts
- have a kind of tabbed browsing that i can open posts in new tabs for non-immediate answers and to remember for future use
- can load my timeline upto some time like "yesterday 21 o clock" instead of 30 repeated manual skips back
#retrocomputing #mastodonclient #32bit #linuxdesktop
Actualización reciente de #Mona #Mastodon #MastodonClient
#mona #mastodon #mastodonclient
Welchen #foss oder #floss #mastodonclient nutzt ihr unter #android ?
Getestet hab ich #shitter , #fedilab , #husky und #tusky
Gefallen mir aber nicht.
Im Einsatz hab ich aktuell den originalen #mastodonclient von #fdroid aus dem #izzyondroid repo
#foss #floss #mastodonclient #android #shitter #fedilab #husky #tusky #fdroid #izzyondroid
I loved the tweetbot from @tapbots. I've tried the official Mastodon app but it seems very buggy so I downloaded @ivory and wow, just as great an app as Tweetbot used to be. Good job 🙏🏻
@phanpy is such an exciting and fresh way to browse and scroll through Mastodon. Love the experience so far.
#mastodonclient #thirdpartyclient #phanpy #phanpyapp
Wenn Du Slack magst und deinen Mastodon Feed gerne auf dieselbe Weise konsumieren möchtest, ist @whalebird einen Blick wert. 👉
#mastodonclient #mastodontipps
#mastodonclient #mastodontipps
Is it just me, or the @ivory still doesn't send notifications on iOS? I do get them from toot, but never from ivory. #mastodonclient #ivory
Oha, diese #elkapp ist schon richtig gut geworden!
#elkapp #elk #mastodonclient #pwa
Reciente actualización de #MonaApp #Mastodon #MastodonClient
-Añade una opción de configuración avanzada: Invertir líneas de tiempo: muestra las publicaciones en orden cronológico en lugar del orden cronológico inverso predeterminado.
- Sincroniza el estado de las notificaciones no leídas entre todos tus dispositivos a través de iCloud.
- Optimiza la visualización del historial de edición
- Añade el atajo de teclado Opción-M, para ver el banner (imagen de cabecera) de la cuenta seleccionada
- Mejora la compatibilidad con servidores que no sean Mastodon.
- Resuelve un bloqueo aleatorio debido al procesamiento de archivos APNG
- Mejoras adicionales y corrección de errores
#monaapp #mastodon #mastodonclient
Huge thanks to for developing - #Gnome #MastodonClient #Tuba
Hopefully down the line a few more keyboard shortcuts 🤞️ for things like boosting & favouriting.
Here is the link to make a donation to developer
Update: Another 5 minutes of using #tuba #mastodonclient - I'm reaching the stage where I'm confident I need to make a donation to support the ongoing work on this project.
The shortcut issue - please please, don't make me have to press buttons/use mouse or trackpad. Ctrl + B, Ctr + F (or just the letters) would seem obvious additions.
I've just installed the #MastodonClient #Tuba. A #gtk application.
Although I tend to prefer KDE apps which follow my system, I do really like this client. So far, the only Mastodon client I think is at all usable.
The only thing so far I see it lacking compared to using web page - very limited keyboard shortcuts.
I can see me using this regularly. Perhaps not totally to the exclusion of webpage in Firefox. But certainly am likeling what I see so far.
I just installed #Fedistar #MastodonClient
However, you can't stop the auto-scrolling. So, another attempt to make Mastodon more user friendly lasted only a few minutes. I wonder if the #KDE client is usable yet. It is a few months since I installed that for a few minutes.
#fedistar #mastodonclient #kde
Ist ja schon ne Weile her, dass ich hier aktiv war. Was ist denn der aktuelle #MastodonClient den ihr mir ans Herz legen könnt? Ich vermisse immer noch eine saubere Darstellung der Replies im Default Client. 🐘 #MastodonApp
#MastodonClientReview : Done with #Mona basically because it has no functional benefit over #Tusker but it costs money to have basic features.
Right now, I REALLY think #Tusker is going to be my main #MastodonClient , and I may continue to use #Metatxt or #IceCubes for when I want to share original content here in my #Slut Bear Porn account.
#mastodonclientreview #mona #tusker #mastodonclient #metatxt #icecubes #slut
Testing out web clients for #Mastodon and found #Phanpy which looks more simplistic compared to others. Def gonna try it for some time. Do you have any other fav clients?
#MastodonClient #MastodonClientApps #MastodonApps
#mastodon #phanpy #mastodonclient #mastodonclientapps #mastodonapps