Uoad failed...
I can't upload my picture.
Why is this happening when I use mobile app?
Never happens on my desktop.
#error #mastodonerror #uploaderror
▬ #Emoji #Emojis #NuevoEmoji #NuevosEmojis
:ablobpride1: :ablobpride2: :amariokartyoshi: :catto: :excuseme: :gnome: :kde: :manjaro: :mariobrosdance: :oops: :theythem: :ultracate: :verifiedbisexual: :verifiedpolyam: :zeldalink:
#Orgullo #LGBT #OrgulloLGBT #LGBTI #LGBTIQ #LGBTIQA #MarioKart #SuperMarioKart #MarioKart64 #Yoshi #SuperMario #Catto #Disculpe #Perdón #Gnome #KDE #Manjaro #MastodonOops #MastodonError ##Oops #UltraCate #Bisexual #Bisexualidad #Poliamor #Verificado #Zelda
#zelda #Verificado #poliamor #bisexualidad #bisexual #ultracate #oops #mastodonerror #mastodonoops #manjaro #KDE #GNOME #perdon #disculpe #catto #supermario #yoshi #mariokart64 #supermariokart #mariokart #lgbtiqa #lgbtiq #lgbti #OrgulloLGBT #lgbt #orgullo #nuevosemojis #nuevoemoji #emojis #emoji
▬ #Emoji #Emojis #NewEmoji #NewEmojis
:ablobpride1: :ablobpride2: :amariokartyoshi: :catto: :excuseme: :gnome: :kde: :manjaro: :mariobrosdance: :oops: :theythem: :ultracate: :verifiedbisexual: :verifiedpolyam: :zeldalink:
#Pride #LGBT #PrideLGBT #LGBTPride #LGBTI #LGBTIQ #LGBTIQA #MarioKart #SuperMarioKart #MarioKart64 #Yoshi #SuperMario #Catto #Excuse #ExcuseMe #KDE #Manjaro #MastodonOops #MastodonError ##Oops #TheyThem #UltraCate #Bisexual #Bisexuality #Polyam #Polyamorous #Verified #Zelda
#zelda #verified #polyamorous #polyam #bisexuality #bisexual #ultracate #theythem #oops #mastodonerror #mastodonoops #manjaro #KDE #excuseme #excuse #catto #supermario #yoshi #mariokart64 #supermariokart #mariokart #lgbtiqa #lgbtiq #lgbti #lgbtpride #pridelgbt #lgbt #pride #NewEmojis #newemoji #emojis #emoji
To any other #MastodonAdmin and #MastodonOwner who might need this info:
If you use `n` to manage your #NodeJS version, the default #Mastodon streaming #systemd config uses `/usr/bin/node`, which will be your system’s node package. Change that to `/usr/bin/env node` to use the one from n.
The file is “/etc/systemd/system/mastodon-streaming.service”.
Hope this helps. #mastodonserver #devops #mastodonstreaming #mastodonerror
#MastodonAdmin #MastodonOwner #nodejs #mastodon #systemd #mastodonserver #devops #mastodonstreaming #mastodonerror