Necesito vuestra ayuda #mastodoners: El navegador que uso (#Firefox) me va regulinchi, estaba pensando en cambiarlo. Pongo algunas opciones de algunos que he probado, pero acepto sugerencias. Sí me gustaría que llevase una opción para gestionar multicuentas sin tener que cambiar de navegador o cerrar sesiones.
Spent some time in the last few days in #Threadiverse. What a pure, unregulated chaos! Felt like I was standing in the middle of a giant arena where tens of thousands of people shouted their random irrelevant thoughts simultaneously at the top of their lungs! In these early stages there’s no way to curate the feed, one can only scroll and feel the headache getting stronger by the screenful. This here is an oasis of sanity! I love you all, #Mastodoners!
#threads #meta #Mastodon #tech #social
#threadiverse #mastodoners #threads #meta #mastodon #tech #social
The Mastodon text box says 'What's on your mind?'
"I am 4 days away from major surgery"
That's what's on my mind.
ICU, then a hospital stay, months of recovery...
I can't think of anything else.
My life will be different afterwards, but I don't yet know how.
I am frightened, but I'm eager for it to be over with.
It's so hard to know how to talk about this, or even if I want to.
Thank-you #Mastodoners for being there xx
I wonder if us gamers can actually get a #gamer hashtag in the hashtag column for more #mastodoners to find us? Is it possible? Will anyone else use the hashtag for every post?? #gamer #games
Good morning #mastodoners !! New video is up on the channel right now! Also recording a new one for the second week of January this morning. Keep #grinding #happynewyear2023 #happynewyear
#mastodoners #grinding #happynewyear2023 #happynewyear
I've moved over to #Mastodon now due to disillusionment at the dismal trajectory Twitter's current leadership has chosen. I greatly appreciate that most long-time #Mastodoners are welcoming the exodus with grace (rather than rolling their eyes or wagging their fingers at late adopters like me, which is sorta understandable).
(I do like the larger character limit on toots!)
Muy buenas #mastodoners hoy voy a participar en el hastag de #TKZmusica y voy a poner 2 canciones que a día de hoy me siguen emocionando mucho cuando las escucho.
Ost Nier Autómata: Weight of the world (Versión Japonesa)
Ost Persona 5: Rivers in the desert
De la Ost del Persona 5 me gustan casi todas por igual y he puesto ésta porque es la última que he escuchado XD
Hey - one of you cool kids and lovely people told me about #movetodon and it's been an awesome way to find mutual followed - follower #twitterrefugees on this site. Problem is, I can't remember who told me about it, and I'd love to give you thanks & recognition.
So far, I've found ~70 #mastodoners that way and many of us have been able to reconnect. So cool and huge thank you!
#mastodoners #twitterrefugees #movetodon
Hey - one of you cool kids and lovely people told me about #movetodon and it's been an awesome way to find mutual followed - follower #twitterrefugees on this site. Problem is, I can't remember who told me about it, and I'd love to give you thanks & recognition.
So far, I've found ~70 #mastodoners that way and many of us have been able to reconnect. So cool and huge thank you!
#mastodoners #twitterrefugees #movetodon
I will also write about music,media, and even post some photography from time to time. Like a lot of #Mastodoners I came from the “bird app” and when “that guy” bought it, I left after more than 10 years on it. No regrets.
In addition, I am also on IG (brianallenatlanta) and FB. (2)
Buenas #mastodoners estoy de vacaciones y tengo todo esto un poco olvidado.
Aún sigo con el A plague tale requiem a tope que he mirado qué me queda y me quedan unos 7 capítulos.
Me está gustando más que el primero. Tiene un toque más de acción que el anterior pero sin pasarse así que por mi parte todo correcto. La historia está bastante entretenida y se ve el fuerte vínculo entre los hermanos.
Después de ese estoy pensando a cual darle. No sé si uno cortito para terminarlo antes de fin de año o empezar con el Death Stranding, Ghost of Tsushima, Cyberpunk 2077, Fire Emblem Three Houses o Shin Megami Tensei V
Buenos días #mastodoners, este finde he tenido bastate lío y a penas he cogido el móvil. Sí, uso mastodon principalmente con el móvil.
Me regalaron la #XboxSeriesS y tuve que cambiar la cuenta de la #XboxOneS a la nueva y poner a descargar los 20.000 juegos pendientes que tengo XD.
¿Lo bueno de esto? Ahora sí puedo jugar al #APlageTaleRequiem del #GamePass :anime_fairy4:
También seguí un poco con el #GodofWarRagnarok , llevo casi la mitad ya (según vi la lista de misiones que tiene) y ahora parece que está empezando a arrancar.
Mira que en su día me gustaban los anteriores pero no sé que tiene éste que es decir, voy a jugar y me da una pereza... que luego lo pongo y las horas se pasan volando, pero como que no es como otros juegos que paro de jugar y pienso, que ganas volver a jugar. XD
No se si alguien le pasa eso con algún juego.
#mastodoners #xboxseriess #xboxones #aplagetalerequiem #gamepass #godofwarragnarok
I don’t know if #twitter will die. Social networks take months and years to “die”, but as long at they make a profit, they’ll be up and they’ll have an audience.
I don’t think as #mastodoners we should be rooting for Twitter’s demise. The way I see it is that we should be thankful to them for making so many people flock to this new community we’re building on #mastodon.
So let’s stop focusing on how long twitter will live or when they’ll have a massive breakdown and let’s just focus on us. ♥️
#twitter #mastodoners #mastodon
I see #Toots from new participants (?#mastodoners) saying this place is glitchy, unsustainable, etc.
My thoughts:
1) let's be #grateful🙏 there is a place to gather that is not #Twitter, not #toxic and is ad-free. Isn't that the point of #twittermigration?
2) let's thank people such as @nick for setting up new servers.
3) let's chip in, #contribute in anyway we can. #Mastodon is open-source. It's not owned by one person who treats his employees with disrespect.
4) let's #bekind
#mastodon #toots #mastodoners #grateful #twitter #toxic #twittermigration #contribute #bekind
Hello #sapiens, is this a good opportunity to be back into social life? Hi #mastodoners! :mastodon:
What up #Mastodoners! 😎 welcome to the #otherside! Looks like we took the purple 💊 instead of the blue one😂 . Anyone having issues logging onto the Mastodon app? 🤔
#Whimsy delivery for #Mastodoners #Heffalumpers #heffalumpsandwoozles #Tooters um, what's the collective term for er #Fediversers 🤔?
#whimsy #mastodoners #heffalumpers #heffalumpsandwoozles #tooters #fediversers #birb #funny #silly #squee #tupperware #box