We're on the Web. So... it feels kinda fig leafy at best.
I can't build the technical side, but I can and will promote the social side, from which comes the subscription money to make it all happen.
#Mastodon #MastodonDesign #MastodonInstance #MastodonServer #SocialMedia #MastodonFuture #MastodonFailureModes
#mastodon #mastodondesign #MastodonInstance #mastodonserver #socialmedia #MastodonFuture #mastodonfailuremodes
I'm just here banging my little tin drum of "What about moderation?"
Can Mastodon.social keep up with the moderation requirements of a growing number of monthly active users? They have a paid team, but I remember POC being moderated against "for being racist" in November.
#Moderation #MastodonFailureModes #Mastodon #MastodonCentralisation
#moderation #mastodonfailuremodes #mastodon #mastodoncentralisation #mastodonsocialdefault
@youronlyone @gbhnews @strypey @varmazis
Also true. I suspect that's a freemium model that will be adopted by the large tech companies as part of "embrace, extend, extinguish" as applied to the Fediverse.
I think it depends. One of the #MastodonFailureModes I've been curating looks at companies like google trying to "embrace, extend, extinguish" Mastodon.
OTOH, Google is losing 2bn a year on providing email, so... *shrugs*
That could work, I'm not someone well-versed in #MastodonDesign and I only tag #MastodonFailureModes (which this very obviously is) as a hobby/Public Service.
An obvious problem with this is that two non-Mastodon users signing up together would be assigned different servers and would not be able to see each other.
They'd assume the system was broken.
#mastodondesign #mastodonfailuremodes
So: Apple sets up a server, invites existing non-masto customer base. 99% are nice geeks. 1% are paid shills. Hard to defed people just being enthusiastic.
Ex Twitter users refuse to use self-defence tools. Calamity.
Have I got that about right?
I think that people agree levels of small creator ads. No one wants to be muted or disliked.
#MastodonFailureModes #MastodonDesign #Twitter #TwitterMigration #CorporateMastodon #MastodonAds
#mastodonfailuremodes #mastodondesign #twitter #twittermigration #corporatemastodon #mastodonads
Hmm... what's the actual mechanics of a zerg rush by meta?
Make a tonne of "free" servers with professional mods supported by ads and a slick user interface, call it "Tooter".
Buy up all free Web hosting to drive up costs?
Legal lobbying to make Mastodon or running a non corporate server illegal?
They'd need sufficient servers, sufficiently well moderated to not cause instant defederation.
#mastodondesign #mastodonfailuremodes
Huh... some people are just looking for an excuse after biting off more than they can chew.
I wouldn't run a server because I have neither the technical know how nor the money. Also the self-knowledge that I get easily dis... ooh! A butterfly!
#MastodonServer #MastodonFailureModes #MastodonInstance #moderationIsWork
#mastodonserver #mastodonfailuremodes #MastodonInstance #moderationIsWork
Interesting stuff.
I've seen people talking about Google zerg rushing the fedi by giving everyone with a Gmail account free Mastodon (although Gmail is costing them a _lot_ of money).
Twitter founders looking to recreate Twitter using Mastodon, by say, building in QTs and a slick interface and better onboarding would be a challenge.
#mastodonfailuremodes #MastodonFuture #mastodon #missedquotepost
Thankyou very much for this thoughtful and nuanced analysis of the studies around QT and QT behaviour.
I think it is relevant to discussions of:
So err.. wow, you're doing a lot there! Good job!
If this is annoying LMK and I'll delete.
#mastodondesign #mastodonserver #mastodonquotetoot #mastodonquotetweet #missedquotetoot #missedquotetweet #MastodonFuture #mastodonfailuremodes #quotetweet #harassment #antifascist #dontspreadhate #dontspreadnazipropaganda
@JessTheUnstill I think this post is good and would like to add additional curation. I can delete if annoying.
#MastodonFailureModes #MastodonServer #Moderation #moderationIsWork #TwitterMigration #MastodonFuture #MastodonDesign #AntiFascism
#mastodonfailuremodes #mastodonserver #moderation #moderationIsWork #twittermigration #MastodonFuture #mastodondesign #antifascism
@futurebird I hope you don't mind me curating this with # . If you do, say and I'll delete!
#Mastodon #MastodonDesign #MastodonFuture #SocialMedia #ModerationIsWork #decentralized #AntiMonopoly #AntiFascist
Seem like probably the best ones to me for direct and implicit searches.
#mastodon #mastodondesign #MastodonFuture #socialmedia #moderationIsWork #decentralized #antimonopoly #antifascist #mastodonfailuremodes
So archiving costs money. Text is pretty cheap but what is the archive policy of most servers and do toolsets exist to identify popular toots, or toots that act as nexuses for curation or ones that are heavily bookmarked as these seem like ones worth saving.
Twitter content makers have identified deletion of old material as a concern in moving.
#mastodoncuration #mastodonarchive #mastodonserver #moderationtools #mastodondesign #mastodonfailuremodes
These feel like things that would also fall under
#MastodonDesign #MastodonSafetyTools #MastodonSafety
Because you're 100% right and we need a social solution of people being antiracist but also the tech safety tools.
#mastodondesign #mastodonsafetytools #mastodonsafety #mastodonfailuremodes
@laurendw hmm I would curate this as:
#moderation #moderationIsWork #moderationLegalMatters #MastodonFailureModes #MastodonServer
Hopefully someone who knows the answers will actually use a # that's related and then we can crowd source the answers.
#moderation #moderationIsWork #moderationlegalmatters #mastodonfailuremodes #mastodonserver
@DinoMom @futurebird @colincornaby Mm Not sure. If you look up #MastodonFailureModes you can see that big corporate funded instances will Gmail their way into existence providing a lot of content that Mastodon is missing.
Also defederation doesn't solve the racism problem on here. E.g. the PlayVicious server was Black oriented and was stopped because of mods on other servers not recognising racism. Social not tech solution.
@fiercemilder this seems like a good post to curate.
I was thinking:
#MastodonFailureModes #mastodonServer #moderation
If that's annoying LMK and I'll delete.
#mastodonfailuremodes #mastodonserver #moderation
Thank you for sharing your experience with us via the link. I found it pretty simple to follow and made a great deal of sense.
Mastodon works using # tag searches so if you don't mind I'd like to add curation. If you don't want that LMK and I'll delete.
#moderation #moderationIsWork #mastodonDesign #MastodonFailureModes
#mastodonServer #SantaClaraPrinciples
#moderation #moderationIsWork #mastodondesign #mastodonfailuremodes #mastodonserver #santaclaraprinciples