If you're new to Mastodon, check the "Mastodon For Dummies" book by @chrisminnick ! It's a wonderful introduction to this strange little platform. Advanced users may not find enough resources for them, but basically, it's a newbie's bible.
#fedihelp #mastodonfordummies #goodbooks #bookstodon #books
Heute ist es ganz schön still in meiner Timeline. Was sicherlich am Feiertag liegt. Oder ist es hier auf Mastodon allgemein wieder stiller geworden?
Daher meine Frage: Kann man eigentlich Instanzen folgen? Ich mag die Literatur Instanz sehr und möchte daher nicht wechseln, interessiere mich aber auch für andere Themen 🤔
#frage #Mastodonfrage #mastodonfordummies #mastodontips #mastodonhelp
#frage #Mastodonfrage #mastodonfordummies #mastodontips #mastodonhelp
If you’re looking to have current accounts SWITCH maybe advise them HOW to switch?
Mastodon Newbie here; I found picking an instance (server) when I first came here daunting. I was reassured by my understanding that I could easily move my account, but so far I don’t see how, although I have no issues with the instance I picked.
If you’re trying to get nascent accounts to pick your instance, I’m clueless.
#NewbieOnMastodon #MastodonForDummies
#newbieonmastodon #mastodonfordummies
I'll be a guest on SAP's #labstalk (that's labs talk, not lab stalk) next Wednesday morning (in the US) or afternoon (in Deutschland).
I'll be talking about my new book, Mastodon For Dummies, and my thoughts on how businesses can productively participate in the fediverse and help make social media interesting again.
#labstalk #mastodon #mastodonfordummies #fediverse #sap
Chapter 3 #mastodonfordummies #catsofmastodon
#mastodonfordummies #catsofmastodon
More #MastodonForDummies
I set these up when I joined, 4 months ago. But, egged on by this chapter, I revisited several of the preferences, eg adding French, Spanish and Italian to the "languages in my 'in-tray'". Most (all?) instances now have an in-house translator, so your mastery of the language doesn't have to be perfect, and it is a good way of having a truly #global experience on this global resource.
#mastodonfordummies #settingyourpreferences #global
@rosy_eclairs I had to read the #MastodonForDummies book to be reminded you can.
You can't change your handle (the @ parts) afaik, but you can change the username part in your profile.
On web, you just hit edit profile on the left hand side of the screen.
I'm not sure where it is in Tusky but it's probably in one of the preferences.
I have several copies of #MastodonForDummies I’d like to give away.
And clever #Fediverse-empowering suggestions?
Should I target people on Twitter or LinkedIn who haven’t made the switch? Or reserve for those who have already made the switch?
#mastodonfordummies #fediverse
There's a great and flattering toot about #mastodonfordummies from @feditips today, and a lot of people are sharing great information in the replies about how to buy the book from a local independent bookstore.
The original post hasn't shown up on my Mastodon instance yet (the incredible Hachyderm.io, which is admin'd by the brilliant @nova) but I wanted to alert everyone to read the comments on the post and please please please appreciate and support independent bookstores when you can.
@thememesniper @feditips @workingwriter well...I wouldn't say copious. However, it's got my co-author, Mike, and some would consider him to be a fox.
If there's a 2nd edition, I'll make sure there are more foxes. #foxes #mastodonfordummies
Today's pearl of wisdom in '#MastodonForDummies':
"Unlike on #Twitter, the number of #followers you have versus the number of people who follow you has no bearing on whether you'll show up on other people's timelines. "
Chapter 3, p.45
#mastodonfordummies #twitter #followers
'#MastodonforDummies' just arrived and looks every bit as life-changing as I hoped. Written in easy, non-tech but never patronising in tone, the #Remember for today -p94*- is
"Mastodon doesn't have an algorithm that rewards you for posting frequently. It's better to post infrequently or not at all than to post the same thing multiple times."
*For aficionados of #PrivateEye, this footnote is necessary to assure readers it really is on page 94...
#mastodonfordummies #remember #privateeye
New blog post: Why I'm Live-streaming My Next Writing Project.
When my latest book, Mastodon For Dummies, was released, several people on social media commented that it was “probably written by AI.” These comments infuriated me much more than a bad review ever has.
#mastodonfordummies #author #writing #books
Reactions to Mastodon For Dummies I've seen range from "I need this!" to "This is the end."
As a recent migrant to Mastodon myself, I have great respect for those who created this space and culture. As Mastodon grows, we need to keep that spirit.
To me, the Fediverse is a revolution, and we need every new recruit! A book won't bring in any new people -- but it can be a necessary orientation (boot camp?) for many people who are Mastodon-curious.
#excited #mastodonfordummies #keepmastodonweird
I have no connection to this book. Just a need to know what I’m doing. Joined in November and my sales background did not prepare me for the technical jargon. But I want to learn.
@timmy I would have thought that #MastodonForDummies would be the logical choice, but I guess that's why I'm not a published author