Society needs a non-profit space for communicating where nazism, trolls, bots, and groups planning/promoting violence are not tolerated. The tenacious clinging to twitter and facebook by govt agencies shows just how much it is needed. But nothing is free. Should mastodon receive and/or welcome government funding? #MastodonFunding
Would it not be better to encourage a fundraising culture on instances so that they are self-supporting?
Openness about the costs of running it and the costs of supporting moderators in terms of therapy, administration, cycling them through, and even (whisper it) paying them?
Seems like this would be an easy carrot to go with the defed stick?
#mastodonfunding #fedipact #moderationIsWork
Since Mastodon maintenance is based on donations, I was wondering whether all those accounts of national & international, incl. EU institutions, contribute. If they do, they should make this be known publicly because it's public money involved & to avoid being suspected of funding a project of their own, which would be to the detriment of those who believe in an independent public space. Maybe we should discuss this now before it's too late?
#mastodon #publicfunding #EUbudget #mastodonfunding