Technisch gefällt mir Mastodon jetzt schon besser, als Twitter.
Schön wäre es, Suchen mit boolschen Ausdrücken ausführen zu können, wie z.B. "#HenryHoliday AND (#Snark OR #Boojum)".
#FeatureRequest #MastodonFeatureRequest #MastodonFeatures #MastodonImprovement #TwitterMigration #BooleanSearch
#booleansearch #twittermigration #mastodonimprovement #mastodonfeatures #mastodonfeaturerequest #featurerequest #Boojum #snark #HenryHoliday
To me, Mastodon is technically better than Twitter already.
Nice to have would be #BooleanSearches like "#HenryHoliday AND (#Snark OR #Boojum)".
#MastodonFeaturereQuest #MastodonFeatures #MastodonImprovement #TwitterMigration #BooleanSearch
#booleansearches #HenryHoliday #snark #Boojum #mastodonfeaturerequest #mastodonfeatures #mastodonimprovement #twittermigration #booleansearch
The only thing I would like different here is if the images were the same size as Twitter ones. They get cut off a lot. Thoughts? #mastodonimprovement #suggestions #twitterexodus #twitterrefugee
#mastodonimprovement #suggestions #twitterexodus #twitterrefugee
@dalias And sometimes I need to give context so others will spend that few seconds to click the link .. would really really like "quote toots"
#mastodon #mastodonimprovement #mastodonneeds