Der Webmontag war gestern auch ein kleines #MastodonMeetup. Mit dabei waren: @kaffeeringe @patzi @fedora @pixxelmedia @curneth @henrykrasemann @jze @MisterOpenData @cbechtel @thijs_lucas @MBrandtner @norbert @Batgirlkiel @ruoff @bernardteske @nerdish_philipp @nilz @800mi @kielux @dc_og_Kiel @toppoint @GeoDatenGuerilla @karlson (Folgt einander mal und ergänzt Accounts, die ich vergessen habe oder nicht kenne)
Two weeks until our #Glasgow Mastodon End of Year Meetup - all welcome - if you can read this, you're invited! :)
Hosted by @thegamerclub - it'll be on from 6pm 'til late on Fri 30th Dec 2022. Come join us for some cheese and wine and meet some of the locals.
RSVP here:
We had a small #MastodonMeetup at #AGU22 in Chicago. @abcassel provided a nice brief overview of #Mastodon and #fediverse and answered all the questions some of us had.
#fediverse #mastodon #AGU22 #mastodonmeetup
Got the Pod 3 display up and running for the #MastodonMeetup at 3:30. If you’re checking the tag as you wander the Exhibit Hall come on over and let’s follow-for-follow science style. #AGU22
PS Thank you @valinda. Turning the computer off and on again worked.
This was after Monday’s #MastodonMeetup at #AGU22. It’s happening again today at 3:30 p.m. in Pod 3 in the poster hall. Bring your team members and collaborators with their questions about the #fediverse. We will answer:
-choosing a server
-finding people to follow
-the basics of Home/Local/Federated feeds
Schedule link: #AGU22
#mastodonmeetup #agu22 #fediverse
We had a great #MastodonMeetup in Pod 5 at #AGU22 this morning. Another one scheduled for tomorrow at 3:30 P.M. in Pod 3. Join us!
Photo by Julia Perdrial.
If you’re checking your mobile in the poster hall and are on a Mastodon instance come hang out at Pod 5 for a #AGU22 #MastodonMeetup. Bring a friend who’s curious about decentralized social networking!
We're having our monthly open day this Saturday (Dec 10th) from 1pm. All welcome to drop by and have a wee tour of our #Glasgow venue. That afternoon we'll be playing some #boardgames and #videogames too. You can RSVP from our events page:
(We're hosting the Glasgow #MastodonMeetup on Dec 30th if you want to check us out before then)
#mastodonmeetup #videogames #boardgames #glasgow
Since a bunch of us are based in or near #Glasgow - anybody interested in a mastodon meetup this month? @thegamerclub have offered to host a cheese and wine on Fri Dec 30th from 6pm.
All welcome - it's completely free to attend (you're welcome to bring along your favourite cheese and/or bottle of wine)
I put a page up on the wiki with more details:
One of the points that came up from the #mastodonmeetup in Helsinki: there is a precedent for the kind of shift we are seeing from #Twitter to #Mastodon. When #Freenode #IRC went all bananas, people and projects started leaving in droves. Freenode is now completely empty.
Now the scale is different, of course, but it shows what can happen.
#mastodonmeetup #twitter #mastodon #freenode #irc
@davetroy Maybe Jyri Engeström and Petteri Koponen, the founders of Jaiku, can tell us the story in more detail when they join Mastodon?
I can't find them through name search here yet and no indications of Mastodon on their Twitter accounts' bio.
#MastodonMeetup #Slush2022 #Jaiku #PubSubHubbub #ActivityPub #RSS #API
#mastodonmeetup #slush2022 #jaiku #pubsubhubbub #activitypub #rss #api
@davetroy I brought up this exact point and we discussed this topic at the first Mastodon meeting in Finland last night.
Finnish startup Jaiku from 2006 was also mentioned as opening API for aggregated social media before PubSubHubbub, though bought by Google and discontinued shortly after. Hard to find exact details on this history because of link rot.
And I'm too young to remember these events clearly while being in high school back then.
Ja, mijn eerste #MastodonMeetup!
Met @jannesvr! Leuke gast, journalist en heel erg fan van een lokale produceren! Volg hem!
En heb je zelf binnenkort een meetup met een leuke #donnie, het post dan met de hashtag: #MastodonMeetup en de korte versie #MastoMeet
#mastodonmeetup #donnie #mastomeet
De enige echte bedenker van #mastodonderdag (en raadslid van @spbreda) geeft me een live-sessie "wie te volgen". Hij heeft bijna net zo veel volgers op M als op T. Dus het kan! En het is hier veel leuker. Het is geen donderdag, maar wie moeten @michelverschuren en ik nog meer volgen? #mastodon #decentraal #mastodonmeetup #breda #cafedebeyerd
#mastodonderdag #mastodon #decentraal #mastodonmeetup #breda #cafedebeyerd
@Fulcrum @Setok Went really well even as there were only 6 of us in total. The best conversations about #tech I have had in years. Better than the talks on stage at #Slush2022 in my opinion.
Would recommend for others to also meetup like this around the world!
#tech #slush2022 #mastodonmeetup
Oh, apparently I hit 100 followers today at some point without realising. Well I guess it was fitting that we celebrated with our #mastodonmeetup in Helsinki. @JoshStrobl anither coincidence: I believe you were the lucky 100 :D
@jhpot We just hosted the first Mastodon meetup in Helsinki, Finland today as an unofficial #Slush2022 side event. We don't know if this was even the first of its kind anywhere?
Just to let you know that there might be IRL Mastodon events going in Britain now too.
#slush2022 #mastodonmeetup #meetup
Anyone up for a #tootup (#mastodonmeetup?) at #aamc2022 ? My first AAMC meeting IRL as Dean for #meded!
#tootup #mastodonmeetup #aamc2022 #MedEd