Not a good thing when followers disappear and posts melt into the void. What's going on around here?
If there's a performance ready reckoner for those looking to run small instances of Mastodon, size of system, resources for per thousand accounts could someone point to it? It would help those planning instances if the total population is ~300 million accounts.
#mastodoninstances #mastodonperformance #mastodonscaling #scaling #PerformanceMonitor #systemarchitecture
#mastodoninstances #mastodonperformance #mastodonscaling #scaling #PerformanceMonitor #systemarchitecture
Given all the amazing #MastodonPerformance work @sorin has been doing, I think the next big win for Mastodon will be Service Worker, so I should probably focus on finishing up that PR next. https://github.com/tootsuite/mastodon/pull/3052