Max poll options in #Mastodon by #Default: 4. #MastodonPoll #MastodonPolls
Its the perfect for polls with "Is the world black and white?"
1️⃣ yes
2️⃣ no
3️⃣ black
4️⃣ white
Whomever designed polls default settings for Mastodon doesn't like #polls 😆
#mastodonpolls #mastodonpoll #polls #default #Mastodon
One thing social media doesn't do well is secure messaging. So, of the options out there, what do you believe is the most secure messaging app? If you find this useful, please boost.
#secureChat #SocialMedia #Security #Messaging #Poll #mastodonpoll #Telegram #WhatsApp #Signal #Messages #SMS #SSL #Encryption
#securechat #socialmedia #security #messaging #poll #mastodonpoll #telegram #whatsapp #signal #messages #sms #ssl #encryption
#mastodonquestion #mastodonpoll
Is there any way to make a #mastodon #poll accept answers for more than 7 days?
#mastodonquestion #mastodonpoll #mastodon #poll
#MastodonPoll: OK my Mastodon followers, quick question about the use of HashTags.
Which way do you prefer to use hashtags in a post?
#MastodonPoll: Have you ever walked out of a movie at the cinema before it's finished?
#MastodonPoll: We use several platforms but one works better than others.
Which do you prefer to use when supporting a creator?
It usually divides opinion so let's see...
My all time favourite word is MOIST
#moist #words #poll #mastodonpoll #polls
Is there a difference between being #white, and being a #whitesupremacist?
I'm of the firm opinion that this is a conversation which should be more widely engaged.
Sure, I have notes, and we'll get to that.
But, as an exercise, think through and try to defend the "yes" answer; and then think through and try to defend the "no" answer.
#white #whitesupremacist #vote #boost #mastodonpoll #fedipoll #blackhistorymonth
Which is worse:
Seriously, this is the most important #mastodonpoll ever - do you wipe or wash your butt after pooping? How did you come to that decision? Boosts are love.
#hygiene #pooping #boostthis #mastodonpoll
Apps like #IceCubes place a “Messages” tab directly on their application nav bar. I wonder how many people send #DirectToots to one another here on #mastodon.
How often do you use the direct toots feature of Mastodon? 🤔
Also worth noting that Mastodon does not have a #messaging feature. Direct toots are just unlisted toots that can only be seen by those people who’s names are mentioned in the toot.
#mastopoll #mastodonpoll #askfedi #askingfedi #askmastodon #ask #poll #survey
#icecubes #directtoots #mastodon #boostswelcome #messaging #mastopoll #mastodonpoll #askfedi #askingfedi #askmastodon #ask #poll #survey
What 5 year period was more important to the history of #Rock? I imagine your answer will depend on your age, but I could make an argument for either. My first #MastodonPoll btw!
How important is it for you that an app has a dark mode? #MastodonPoll #MastoPoll #Umfrage #DarkMode #apps #UI #UX
#ux #ui #apps #darkmode #umfrage #mastopoll #mastodonpoll
What will it take for #Mastodon to go mainstream? 🤔 #MastodonPoll #Poll #Mastopoll #Umfrage
#umfrage #mastopoll #poll #mastodonpoll #mastodon
What operating system does your smartphone run? #MastodonPoll #MastoPoll #Android #Apple #iOS #smartphone #smartphones #mobileOS
#mobileos #smartphones #smartphone #ios #apple #android #mastopoll #mastodonpoll
If your smartphone has two or more auxiliary rear cameras (ultra-wide angle, tele, macro etc.), do you actually use them? #MastodonPoll #MastoPoll #phoneography #smartphones #camera #mojo
#mojo #camera #smartphones #phoneography #mastopoll #mastodonpoll
That was an incredibly tight race! #Mastodon #MastodonPoll #DirectMessages
#directmessages #mastodonpoll #mastodon