I appreciate that elk.zone is not showing my favorites on other people's post. I'd like to know why so I can continue to have this privacy across platforms and I don"t turn on the wrong setting by mistake.

@elk or anyone else who has any ideas?

My hunch is this is because I opted out of discoverability across all of my accounts.

#fediverseprivacy #Fediverse #mastodonprivacy #Mastodon #akkomaprivacy #akkoma #calckeyprivacy #calckey #favoriteprivacy #favoritediscoverability #favorite #favoritesprivacy #favoritesdiscoverability #favortes #elkclient #elkwebclient #elkweb #elkprivacy

Last updated 1 year ago

PJ Coffey · @Homebrewandhacking
766 followers · 5020 posts · Server mastodon.ie

@janl @mxfraud Uh huh.

Where's your GDPR statement? Handling a lot of people's identifable personal data here.

And storing it indefinitely.

Why do you think "opt out only" is safe for minorities?

I quite like searching stuff but these seem like very obvious concerns. Maybe you could address them in your FAQ?

#gdpr #privacy #mastodonprivacy

Last updated 2 years ago

azteclady · @herhandsmyhands
244 followers · 1433 posts · Server romancelandia.club

If you want to rant about people in your DMs, you CAN, so long as you don't put their HANDLE in there--and remember that the admin/s can always see what you say, should they care to.

#mastodonprivacy #mastodonetiquette

Last updated 2 years ago