R. L. Dane · @RL_Dane
1146 followers · 16320 posts · Server fosstodon.org


@james@mstdn.starnix.network @james@pl.starnix.network @james@pleroma.jamesp.org

Yeah, there's a reason why I:
1) never use the "official" app
2) never recommend the "official" app
3) never refer to the "official" app
4) never assent to the idea that there could ever be one app that's "official."

Because it's kinda off. It's kind of a cultural half-breed.

#ExploreTab #mastodonregressions #mastodondevs #turderatti #fame #techlayoffs #dotcons #mastodonbugs #makejavascriptoptional

Last updated 2 years ago

The is indeed one of the most toxic that have introduced. Also forced javascript. We can see the bots are pumping the with instant "".

Interestingly, ninety percent of people complaining about at the were in that joining-window also.

@james@mstdn.starnix.network @james@pl.starnix.network @james@pleroma.jamesp.org

#exploretab #mastodonregressions #MastodonDevs #turderatti #fame #techlayoffs #dotcons #mastodonbugs #makejavascriptoptional

Last updated 2 years ago