Hmmm.. I'd add these tags for thoroughness.
#mastodonsafetytools #mastodondesign #mastodonserver
People with firm views on governance and the ins and outs of Mastodon then follow:
Old Mastodon hand and experienced harassment dealer @Are0h is working on interesting anti-harassment tools.
Well-established critics range from fairly firmly anti-mastodon @shengokai to the more invested @futurebird
#FediblockMeta (h/t @ArtistMarciaX )
#mastodondesign #MastodonFuture #mastodonsafetytools #mastodonserver #fediblockmeta
Creating new safety tools which, if I understand correctly will help first time admins run safer servers? Hoping to migrate to full time developer?
Sounds like a great plan!
#MastodonServer #MastodonSafetyTools #MastodonFuture #MastodonDesign
#mastodonserver #mastodonsafetytools #MastodonFuture #mastodondesign
Seems like the sort of thing people following #Mastodon #MastodonSafetyTools #TwitterMigration #MastodonServer and #Moderation would find useful.
#mastodon #mastodonsafetytools #twittermigration #mastodonserver #moderation
Wow... that sounds really terrible. Reduces privacy and means that clicking on the wrong link would get you tonnes of harrassment.
Surely this is an obvious "opt-in" functionality?
#mastodondesign #mastodonsafetytools #mastodonserver #moderation #fediblockmeta
@rowfas That would be a great and obvious safety tool wouldn't it?
#mastodondesign #mastodonsafetytools
@dalias Amazing! Thanks very much! I've put some curation here so it doesn't just disappear!
#mastodondesign #mastodonsafetytools #mastodonsafety
10. Summary
A. Mastodon is less racist but still racist. Work to be a better person by deprogramming racist attitudes. Agitate for more Safety tools #MastodonSafety #MastodonSafetyTools
B. Centralised media is a mug's game. See Livejournal, MySpace etc. Buy your local server owner a virtual pint and set up a subscription to do so. Budget it in.
C. Mastodon is still tiny but it's got fire and I hope to see it go far and be her for it.
#mastodonsafety #mastodonsafetytools
@kentparkstreet @GranularDwelling17 I think maybe have a look at @shengokai work and comments on Mastodon. Whilst I agree that we should get people off that site and to a place that is a non festering pit of Nazism ASAP, the infrastructure is not in place _in the opinion of those affected_.
I have been following #StayAndFight #MastodonDesign #MastodonSafetyTools #DontSpreadHate and some others but your opinion would be welcome if you wanted to contribute. 😀
#StayAndFight #mastodondesign #mastodonsafetytools #dontspreadhate
These feel like things that would also fall under
#MastodonDesign #MastodonSafetyTools #MastodonSafety
Because you're 100% right and we need a social solution of people being antiracist but also the tech safety tools.
#mastodondesign #mastodonsafetytools #mastodonsafety #mastodonfailuremodes
Going to Twitter boosts their monetary value. It will stay in existence as long as it is useful propaganda to the fascists that own it, but posting there subsidises it and increases its utility.
Instead of #StayAndFight do something useful.
1. Agitate for better safety tools. #MastodonDesign #MastodonSafetyTools
2. Welcome new arrivals via #Introduction
3. Help create, and curate anti WS resources
Be kind to one other. 😀
#StayAndFight #mastodondesign #mastodonsafetytools #introduction #dontspreadhate
@aka_quant_noir @Are0h It is not "occupied territory". It is the home of Nazis, c.f. Gab.
If you want to make a difference, stop going there and boosting its metrics.
Work on creating and curating information resources to help deprogram White Supremacy and Conspiracy Theories from the user base here. #DontSpreadHate
Agitate for better user safety tools. #MastodonDesign #MastodonSafetyTools
"Fighting Nazis" online only helps them. IRL is a different matter.
#dontspreadhate #mastodondesign #mastodonsafetytools