Very public spirited! I think a lot of donations go to "Mastodon" that end up with the dev team and really they should go to servers because server admins don't ask for the running costs.
#mastodonserver #MastodonInstance #mastodonservercovenant #mastodonservercosts #mastodon
I’m planning to move over to a new server that adheres to the Mastodon Server Covenant. As I spend more time here and get more comfortable, the more concerned I get about the volatility of my data. I’ve met some great people already, and losing that or having to rebuild would be unfortunate. I’m planning to write a little bit about my experience if it’s eventful in any way. I’m hoping I won’t have to write anything tho 😀#mastodon #server #fediverse #mastodonservercovenant #dataloss
#dataloss #mastodonservercovenant #fediverse #server #mastodon
I've spent today stress testing the instance, setting rules and ensuring we meet the #MastodonServerCovenant in an effort to future proof our way forward #NewZealand #NZTwits
#mastodonservercovenant #newzealand #nztwits
@defaultmediatransmitter @lislegaard @cou
ja, men rart at ikke flere har tatt det i bruk siden det er kanskje ett år siden lansert. Wow -- jeg kan skrive 11000 tegn på denne serveren. ser ellers ut til å gå inn som en radikal moder(erer) i mastoverse ved å si at #MastodonServerCovenant ikke er nok, og prøver riste @Gargron ned fra founder treet jf.
🅁🄴🄻🄾🄰🄳🄽🄶 🄿🄰🅃🄸🄴🄽🄲🄴 :blob_cat_oh_no: :blob_fearful: :grr_peek: :blob_cat_peek: :blob_cat_pats:
How do we save #drafts or save our work on #unpublished #posts to prevent the permanent loss of work when the app #crashes ? #trialanderror :egghs: :bleaaa: :guerrilla_why: :blob_sweat:
#mastodonapp #crashing #forceclose #technerds #tech #connectionfailure #memoryusage #networkfailure #server #serverhelp #serveravailability #intermittentavailability #newserver #data #learningcurve #adapt #migrate #migrating #mastodontechnology #MastodonVocabulary #mastodonservercovenant #technology #devs #developers #userdata #hashtags #media #upload #uploading #attachments #crash #notresponding #freeze #freezing #userreport #appissues #publish #network #serverissues #connectiontoserver #enduser #endusers #error #errors #performanceissues #intermittentconnection #serverdown #troubleshoot #troubleshooting #liveserverclusters #intermittentnetworkissues #shutdown #appdata #savedrafts #posting #faq #usersupport #mastodonsupport #userexperience #betatesting #beta #betatester #apps #ios #apple #iphone #ipad #android #samsung #s9 #tablet #appdesign #uxdesign #fullstackdeveloper #developertools #software #bug #bugs #ux #uxfail
#drafts #unpublished #posts #crashes #trialanderror #mastodonapp #crashing #forceclose #technerds #tech #connectionfailure #memoryusage #networkfailure #server #serverhelp #serveravailability #intermittentavailability #newserver #data #learningcurve #adapt #migrate #migrating #mastodontechnology #mastodonvocabulary #mastodonservercovenant #technology #devs #developers #userdata #hashtags #media #upload #uploading #attachments #crash #notresponding #freeze #freezing #userreport #appissues #publish #network #serverissues #connectiontoserver #EndUser #endusers #error #errors #performanceissues #intermittentconnection #serverdown #troubleshoot #troubleshooting #liveserverclusters #intermittentnetworkissues #shutdown #appdata #savedrafts #posting #faq #usersupport #mastodonsupport #userexperience #betatesting #beta #betatester #apps #ios #apple #iphone #ipad #android #samsung #s9 #tablet #appdesign #uxdesign #fullstackdeveloper #developertools #software #bug #bugs #ux #uxfail