For the next version of Mastodon Share
Picture add feature
Work in progress
#wip #feature #mastodonshare #client
I really want a piece of software to link my #Fediverse profil to my #VLC Player ! Too many great #music to share !
Also another to link my #Bandcamp account, when I add some tracks or albums to my wishlist (#MastodonShare extension is not enough !)
I really want to become a better software developer !
Thanks God, I have my first appointment with a Senior Software Developer to help me with peer-programming !
I'm looking forward to see how this will go !
#fediverse #vlc #music #bandcamp #mastodonshare
Is there a for lemmy/kbin ?
#MastodonShare.Recomiendo esta extensión para #Firefox, que facilita compartir contenido en #Mastodon directamente desde el navegador web.
(Este toot fue publicado utilizando la extensión)
Mastodon Share – Get this Extension for 🦊 Firefox (en-US)
#mastodonshare #firefox #Mastodon
I have a working #MastodonShare button working with #BeautifulJekyll. I will try to post an article with a link to the forked repository and information on how to install it this week.
#mastodonshare #beautifuljekyll
Does #MastodonShare , the #Firefox plugin, still work? For me it hasn't functioned properly for a month, maybe longer.