Not sure if you're aware of how Mastodon/Fediverse privacy levels work.
It may seem intuitively obvious, but some aspects of "who sees which thing you post" I only pieced together over time myself. I *think* it works as follows:
#Mastodon #MastodonTimelines #MastodonPrivacy
#mastodon #mastodontimelines #mastodonPrivacy
When catching up with your timeline, do you load em all and scroll from top to bottom (newest to oldest) or start from oldest to get to newest at the top?
I’m generally a top to bottom timeline scroller.
#Mastodon #MastodonTimeline #MastodonTimelines #MastodonThings
#mastodon #mastodontimeline #mastodontimelines #mastodonthings
One of the weirdest things to me about the Mastodon web UI is how the active status always populates in the right-most-hand column.
Why not open posts in the timeline or list (or notification feed) in which they were clicked?
Sengi changes that.
#mastodontimelines #mastodonui #sengi
One of the weirdest things to me about the Mastodon web UI is how the active status always populates in the right-most-hand column.
Why not open posts in the timeline or list (or notification feed) in which they were clicked?
Sengi changes that.
#mastodontimelines #mastodonui #sengi
This image has been shared as a way of explaining Mastodon timelines. The problem with this image, however, is that I don’t understand it. It’s like explaining Cantonese grammar in Cantonese to people who don’t speak Cantonese. #MastodonTimelines #Timeline #ForeignLanguage
#foreignlanguage #timeline #mastodontimelines