I have two on my profile. If you click any of those you will get all my posts that include the hashtag.

But, and now it should become more interesting!, if you want to find all posts with another tag I've posted with...then you can add /tagged/yourtagofinteresthere to the URL of ie. neurodifferent.me/@neurotypepr

and then it becomes


ie. if you were interested in all my posts where I've used the then you can open this link:


It looks like I only got 2 of those.

As an exercise can you see if I got more than 2 posts with the Neurodivergent hashtag or less by modifying the url/link in your browser? If you don't have a then this "" won't work.

#featuredhashtags #mastodon #actuallyautistic #hashtag #webbrowser #mastodontrick #mastodonhack

Last updated 1 year ago