Yep, I can see you did it correct (twice) when I go to your page and view the source. So, I am confused as to why it isn't working. Perhaps there is some setting on the Mastodon server that isn't right? I dunno; just speculating. Your issue has officially gone beyond my limited knowledge base.
Hopefully someone who knows will chime in with suggestions.
#mastodonverify #mastodonverifyurl #mastodonverifysettings #mastodonsettings
التهاب اللفافة الأخمصية Plantar fasciitis #dr_saad_maelainin #doctor #health #fypage #دكتور #الدكتور_ماءالعينين_سعد #mastodonverify
#dr_saad_maelainin #doctor #health #fypage #دكتور #الدكتور_ماءالعينين_سعد #mastodonverify
Maybe do a search using #verify or #mastodonverify or similar hashtags