@breadandcircuses Thanks! So a “boost” is what mastodon identifies as being “reblogged”? (In my post I listed “reboot” when I meant “reblog”)
Ps—I agree it’s gratifying to know a stranger thinks something you toot is worth sharing with others—makes one feel like a savant. I will admit if I miss just one tiny feature of #birdsite its the ability to “quote tweet” where I can add a profundity of my own. 😹
#birdsite #boost #reblog #mastodonvocabulary
@pete @breadandcircuses
#MastodonNewbie #newbie #boost #mastodonvocabulary
May I know what does “boost” mean/entail on mastodon—so I may add it to my mastodon vocabulary list? Is it a good or bad thing?
So far I’ve learned “fediverse,” “instance,” “toot,” “reboot,” and “favorite.” Are there any other terms I should learn about?
#MastodonNewbie #newbie #boost #mastodonvocabulary
You can also include an extract from the original post. The whole thing is shared by default.
From @micheleann: "One of my key use cases that doesn't seem to be supported by #MastodonVocabulary is boosting a post *with added commentary*. Like, where's my value add? I want to provide more context or my own thoughts as I send it along..." https://eldritch.cafe/@micheleann/109337505345766068
Hopefully this makes sense: Can someone better explain the end end portion of the usernames? I didn’t see an option to pick (or maybe I just didn’t know what I was looking at) when I signed up. Whatever follows the “@ [this part]” - I’m not too sure how I got mine but I’m seeing so many different ones! #helpimanewbie #help #MastodonVocabulary (?)
#helpimanewbie #help #mastodonvocabulary
One of my key use cases that doesn't seem to be supported by #MastodonVocabulary is boosting a post *with added commentary*. Like, where's my value add? I want to provide more context or my own thoughts as I send it along...
The work around is boosting and then finding the boosted post and commenting but I also have a hard time finding it? #MaybeItsJustMe #mastodonfeatures
#mastodonvocabulary #maybeitsjustme #mastodonfeatures
🅁🄴🄻🄾🄰🄳🄽🄶 🄿🄰🅃🄸🄴🄽🄲🄴 :blob_cat_oh_no: :blob_fearful: :grr_peek: :blob_cat_peek: :blob_cat_pats:
How do we save #drafts or save our work on #unpublished #posts to prevent the permanent loss of work when the app #crashes ? #trialanderror :egghs: :bleaaa: :guerrilla_why: :blob_sweat:
#mastodonapp #crashing #forceclose #technerds #tech #connectionfailure #memoryusage #networkfailure #server #serverhelp #serveravailability #intermittentavailability #newserver #data #learningcurve #adapt #migrate #migrating #mastodontechnology #MastodonVocabulary #mastodonservercovenant #technology #devs #developers #userdata #hashtags #media #upload #uploading #attachments #crash #notresponding #freeze #freezing #userreport #appissues #publish #network #serverissues #connectiontoserver #enduser #endusers #error #errors #performanceissues #intermittentconnection #serverdown #troubleshoot #troubleshooting #liveserverclusters #intermittentnetworkissues #shutdown #appdata #savedrafts #posting #faq #usersupport #mastodonsupport #userexperience #betatesting #beta #betatester #apps #ios #apple #iphone #ipad #android #samsung #s9 #tablet #appdesign #uxdesign #fullstackdeveloper #developertools #software #bug #bugs #ux #uxfail
#drafts #unpublished #posts #crashes #trialanderror #mastodonapp #crashing #forceclose #technerds #tech #connectionfailure #memoryusage #networkfailure #server #serverhelp #serveravailability #intermittentavailability #newserver #data #learningcurve #adapt #migrate #migrating #mastodontechnology #mastodonvocabulary #mastodonservercovenant #technology #devs #developers #userdata #hashtags #media #upload #uploading #attachments #crash #notresponding #freeze #freezing #userreport #appissues #publish #network #serverissues #connectiontoserver #EndUser #endusers #error #errors #performanceissues #intermittentconnection #serverdown #troubleshoot #troubleshooting #liveserverclusters #intermittentnetworkissues #shutdown #appdata #savedrafts #posting #faq #usersupport #mastodonsupport #userexperience #betatesting #beta #betatester #apps #ios #apple #iphone #ipad #android #samsung #s9 #tablet #appdesign #uxdesign #fullstackdeveloper #developertools #software #bug #bugs #ux #uxfail