I'm fundraising for a few queer Irish charities (HIV Ireland, ShoutOut, and Trans Equality Together) for the Dublin Pride Run in June. If you'd like to help support these fantastic organisations you can donate here: https://eventmaster.ie/fundraising/pages/GC62721457
#dublin #ireland #mastoduine #queer #running
@pukabowers I've deleted as many of my tweets as I can and locked down my twitter account. I'm a committed #MastoDuine now.
Bha an diugh latha aon air an obair ùr agam! Bha mi air bhioran 🎉🎉
Today was day one at my new job! I was excited 🎉🎉
#newjobday #mastoduine #gaidhlig
Bha an diugh latha aon air an obair ùr agam! Bha mi air bhioran 🎉🎉
Today was day one at my new job! I was excited 🎉🎉
#newjobday #mastoduine #gaidhlig
Hello #mastoduine! I'm Eileen, an #indexer based in #Carlow. I'm an avid #reader and enjoy #gardening 😺
#mastoduine #indexer #carlow #reader #gardening
'S e Fionn a-rithist 🐶, ach a-nis air Caisteal Chorr Gairbh 🏴. Tha e dùinte sa Gheamhradh 😭
It's Finn again 🐶, but now at Corgarff Castle 🏴. It's closed in the winter 😭
#dog #dogsofmastadon #saluki #scotland #gaidhlig #mastoduine
#mastoduine #gaidhlig #scotland #saluki #dogsofmastadon #dog
Finn a-rithist, ach a-nis a' ruith (luath) còmhla ri an chàirdean air.
Finn again, but now running (fast) with his friends.
#dog #dogsofmastadon #saluki #scotland #gaidhlig #mastoduine
#mastoduine #gaidhlig #scotland #saluki #dogsofmastadon #dog
I’m really liking the vibe here on #mastodonie and being a #mastoduine 😊 It seems like a much gentler place than Birdland, with a gentler crew here. Loving the Irish node, tho’ I’m picking up a massive dose of homesickness. Not a bad thing, mind.
Do #mastoduine ar bith a bhfuil spéis acu leagan #gaeilge de Mastodon a chuir ar fáil is cosúil gur seo an áit ar féidir cuidiú leis an togra sin
#mastoduine #gaeilge #mastodaoine
A bheil seo ceart? 😜
'S e #Mastodaoine ùra a th' annainn/annaibh/annta
'S e #Mastoduine ùr a th' annam/annad/ann/innte
#gaidhlig #mastoduine #mastodaoine