The journey begins now! Join us in Masto's Dungeon of Don and discover a world of magic, mystery, and adventure. With endless possibilities and hours of gameplay, our RPG game is sure to keep you hooked. toot today! #MastoDoD #MastoDungeon-of-Don #CanaryQuest"
#mastodod #mastodungeon #canaryquest
Someone was nice enough to translate The Seer of Mendacium - the one-page dungeon I made for the #MastoDungeon project into Russian:
#TTRPG #OnePageDungeon
#mastodungeon #ttrpg #onepagedungeon
There was a person using the hashtag #mastodungeon but I don't see the hashtag used anymore, does it mean I can take it now?
In preparation for #Dungeon23 I've been playing with the #MastoDungeon challenge I saw here a while back. Drawing maps is fun and so is picking out things to toss into the room.
This one is designed for level 1 #Pathfinder 2e characters.
#dungeon23 #mastodungeon #pathfinder
#mastodungeon my pt2.
The area outside may reveal the signs (spoor, tracks, etc ..) of Goblins and at 10% better results than set:Wolf sign, if the players check or would passively note because they are categorized as outsider build (see the Itsamimic podcast: Campaign Builder for definitions) once inside the entrance area it is 5m/15ft wide by 15m/45ft. Ways to leave this unoccupied area is going down the large shaft or there is a shelf like path that leads off to the left in an abrupt turn.
#mastodungeon my pt1.
AAW. WELL WORLD: The fire licked natural cave entrance quickly turns into the rough sooty worked stone indicating some mining was performed here before it abruptly falls off 70' into a well providing water for this whole complex. Upon finding the central shaft two things will become obvious, there is a pulley with two ropes and that this allows water to be hauled up from the well to levels 2 and 3.
Just finished running my last #TTRPG one-shot for the year.
Ran my #Mastodungeon entry - Seer of Mendacium, using the #BasicFantasy #OSR rules.
Haven't run B/X in a while, and forgotten how surprisingly smoothly it runs.
#osr #basicfantasy #mastodungeon #ttrpg
I've taken my entry for the #mastodungeon #TTRPG project and made it a PDF on itch.
The Seer of Mendacium - a system-neutral #OSR one-page dungeon
Here is my part of the #mastodungeon : not a dungeon. This is my first take on this kind of work, so I hope you like it. Mostly designed to be used with a system where exploration is quite a deal.
#ttrpg #jdr
Started writing my #mastodungeon and took the prompt a little literally. Probably won't get the writing finished today due to deadlines but I'll post it up once it's done.
@squishymage42 oh sweet! #mastodungeon looks like one page dungeon stuff. I like very much.
I think I'll end up combining the two. I'll definitely want to share my dungeon entries to keep me accountable. Weekly toot thread perhaps.
@trollishdelver just look at the #mastodungeon tag and see what people have posted here for one page dungeons
One page dungeon submission: A Dungeon of Tropes. Not for the Faint of Heart. #TTRPG #MastoDungeon
My little entry for the #mastodungeon micro-dungeon project:
The Seer of Mendacium
Used Dungeon Scrawler to make the map, Affinity for everything else.
#TTRPG @helicity
My little entry for the #mastodungeon micro-dungeon project:
The Seer of Mendacium
Used Dungeon Scrawler to make the map, Affinity for everything else.
#TTRPG @helicity
After a /truly bloody weird and wharrgarbl weekend/ that included a stabbing just up the road, I have reached my last shift of the (technically-no-longer) weekend ×_×
Between checking on things I sat down and painted/drew a little #mastodungeon and scribbled some ideas around it as it tipped out of my head ... so, here it is?
Maybe I'll even submit it to the Scissors And Glue Jam on itch ... And make a version that's not just a scan of my handwriting, so the text is more useable >_>;;
Here's my quick and dirty #Mastodungeon
I commandeered a random blank map from
and populated it. Fun exercise! Great idea
#mastodungeon #osr #ose #ttrpg #DnD
Enter The Mastodungeon Challenge: 1 Page Adventure
Done! Here's Mine!
#mastodungeon #ttrpg #fishwifegames
Can a dungeon fit in a toot?
Lamgi's Folly - A decadent king's last doomed project.
d3 Encounters: 1. Animated frescos, 2. Giant ants 3. Hungry commoner.
A. Sunken parlor: door->B (trapdoor hidden by kelp->E)
B. Overgrown frescos: decadent, come alive, rations appease. Door->C.
C. Burnt library: secret lore, ornate lock->D, door->E
D. Perennial Table: infinite food, decadent skeletons, if you eat save or stay forever.
E. Singing statue: answers sung questions, ornate key.