Le compte #Mastodon @gabgagnonca est maintenant vérifié par #Mastofind. Une vérification pas mal plus #legit que celle de l’Oiseau. ;)
:MF: A reminder, listing and verifying also gives you access to your own Mastodon #Analytics dashboard . If you're promoting a blog or just want to track your interactions, listing and verifying with #MastoFind gives you access to your analytics dashboard.
@karlmorant Karl you should check out #mastofind which is run by the good folks from #TheCanadianDotSocial
#mastofind #thecanadiandotsocial
I've added the topic #MastodonAdmin to #MastoFind. If you're an instance admin take a second and list yourself there. http://mastofind.net
Fun, cheap. aka free.
To stumble into more interesting folks like you -I opted into discovery/verification via #MastoFind.
It was created @mike@thecanadian.social - w no creepy $8 fees. Thanks @mike@flipboard.social for the pointer.
What other interesting things are you finding? #fediverse #innovation
#mastofind #fediverse #innovation
I just got verified and opted into discovery via #MastoFind. This was created by @mike@thecanadian.social, one of most savvy and dedicated instance owners I've met.
Super easy to do. And at no point did Mike ask me for $8!
Check it out.
#MastoFind is a platform that enables you to discover personalities on Mastodon and become discovered by verifying and listing your profile. By listing and verifying your profile on Mastofind, you extend your social network by allowing friends, family, and colleagues to discover your verified identity across the #Fediverse
If you'd like to create an account and join others by connecting, you can do so here:
Thanks to @mike for creating this!
#Mastofind could be a great resource for #Mastodon folks who would like to have a #verified link in their profile without having your own web page to add it. https://thecanadian.social/@mike/110306700728255898
#mastofind #mastodon #verified
For everyone on #MastoFind I've added topics that people can search on. Add a search topic to your profile and you'll come up in those searches. Let me know if you want topics added. http://mastofind.net
Ok, I'm going to go touch grass now.
Remember sign up at http://mastofind.net #MastoFind
I just want to give a shout-out to @mike for creating the wonderful #MastoFind.
It enables you to discover personalities on Mastodon and become discovered by verifying and listing your profile. By listing and verifying your profile on Mastofind, you extend your social network by allowing friends, family, and colleagues to discover your verified identity across the #Fediverse.
Sign up and connect here:
#MastoFind is a platform that enables you to discover personalities on Mastodon and become discovered by verifying and listing your profile. By listing and verifying your profile on Mastofind, you extend your social network by allowing friends, family, and colleagues to discover your verified identity across the #Fediverse
If you'd like to create an account and join others by connecting, you can do so here:
Thanks to @mike for creating this!
@mike @Ryuken_san @CliffWade @og
is #MastoFind just for 'pesonalities': as in famous people, and those in the public eye ?