Planning on starting #MastoFoclóir back up tomorrow after my unintentional holiday break.
#MastoFoclóir has an early flight tomorrow!
eitleán - airplane
ag eitilt - flying
Rachaidh mé go dtí an aerfort - I will go to the airport
slándáil - security
bagáiste - baggage
Tá bronntanais dom do gach duine - I have presents for everybody
Tá siad trom! - They are heavy!
Beidh mé i mo shuí go luath - I will be up early
Ólfaidh mé cupán caife - I will drink a cup of coffee
ag fanacht - waiting
mo thuismitheoirí - my parents
Baile Átha Cliath - Dublin
#MastoFoclóir is thinking about being home for the holidays.
clann - family
Feicfidh mé mo thuismitheoirí - I will see my parents
agus mo mhadra! - and my dog!
dearthair - brother
deirfiúr - sister
Caithfidh mé an Nollaig le mo chairde - I will spend Christmas with my friends
Fanfaidh mé sa bhaile - I will stay home
Beidh mé liom féin agus beidh sos maith agam - I will be by myself and I will have a good break
baile dúchais - hometown
#MastoFoclóir is paying tribute to #JohnMastodon
ceannaire - leader
Taoiseach - Prime Minister
Is é mo laoch - He's my hero
bunaigh - to found
suíomh idirlíne - website
freastalaí - server
sampla - instance
clib - tag
#MastoDaoine - MastoPeople
#MastoFoclóir - MastoDictionary
úsáideoir - user
cuntas - account
Bhíomar ag tuíteáil, ach anois, tútaimid - We were tweeting, but now, we toot
Leanfaimid Seán Mastodon! - We will follow John Mastodon!
#mastofocloir #johnmastodon #mastodaoine #irish #gaeilge
#MastoFoclóir has been to the Christmas market!
margadh - market
lár na cathrach - the city centre
Chuaigh mé ag siopadóireacht - I went shopping
D'ith mé ispíní agus sceallóga - I ate sausages and chips
D'ól mé seacláid te - I drank hot chocolate
leann úll - apple cider
San Nioclás/Daidí na Nollag - Santa
Bhí sé fuar amuigh inniu - It was cold out today
Chaith mé mo chóta mór - I wore my big coat
páistí - children
Bhí sceitimíni orthu - They were excited
In honour of the return of @donieosullivan, #MastoFoclóir is on the news beat.
D'éist mé leis an nuacht - I listened to the news
Bhí sé uafásach - It was terrible
iriseoir - journalist
scríbhneoir - writer
ag scríobh - writing
tuairisceoir - reporter
Bhí mé ag léamh an nuacht - I was reading the news
Scríobh sí alt maith - She wrote a good article
caint saor - free speech
cuntas ar fionraí - suspended account
Fáilte romhaibh - welcome, all of you!
Today #MastoFoclóir is in the party spirit.
cóisir na Nollag - Christmas party
cairde - friends
deochanna - drinks
bia - food
Rachaidh mé go dtí an cóisir - I will go to the party
Caithfidh mé gúna/culaith deas - I will wear a nice dress/suit
teach tabháirne - pub
bialann - restaurant
Bainfidh mé sult as - I will enjoy it
Beidh craic maith againn - We will have good fun
oíche trína chéile - a messy night
amárach - tomorrow
tinneas póite - hangover
#MastoFoclóir writer spent the day in meetings... oh no.
cruinniú - meeting
oifig - office
oifigeach - official
Tá mé ag obair inniu - I am working today
post - job
comhghleacaí - colleague
Tá ceist agam - I have a question
I ndáiríre, is ráiteas é - Actually, it's a comment
ag labhairt - speaking
ag plé - discussing
ag argóint - arguing
ar líne - online
sos - break
caife agus brioscaí - coffee and biscuits
Táimid ar ais! - We're back!
faraor - alas!
#MastoFoclóir is thinking about school.
ag dul ar scoil - going to school
ag múineadh - teaching
ag foghlaim Gaeilge - learning Irish
Bhí an múinteoir ag labhairt dom - The teacher was speaking to me
Ní raibh an freagra agam! - I didn't have the answer!
ceist - question
leabhar - book
rang scoile - classroom
D'éirigh liom sna scrúdaithe - I passed (succeeded in) the exams
ach an rud is fearr ná... - but the best thing is...
laethanta saoire! - holidays!
#MastoFoclóir is staying in out of that weather today.
Tá sé fuar - It is cold
Fanfaidh mé sa bhaile - I will stay at home
ag féachaint ar an teilifís - watching tv
ag léamh - reading
ag caint - talking
(You will notice that 'ag X' is 'X-ing'!)
Táimid ag cócaireacht agus ag ithe - We are cooking and eating
soilse - lights
éadaí - clothes
tine - fire
leaba - bed
an idirlíon - the internet
ríomhaire - computer
cupán tae/caife - a cup of tea/coffee
I am feeling thoroughly flattened. I want to post about Human Rights Day, I haven't done #MastoFoclóir in several days (ta brón orm, if you're checking the tag), but I'm just sitting here feeling as worn and empty as a damp paper bag. I should go back to bed (again).
#MastoFoclóir is feeling musical this morning!
ag canadh - singing
ag seinm ceol - playing music
Chuaigh mé go cheolchoirm na Pillow Queens - I went to a Pillow Queens concert
Bhí siad go hiontach - They were excellent
D'éist mé le Florence - I listened to Florence
Bhí dEUS ag déanamh gig i mBaile Átha Cliath - dEUS were doing a gig in Dublin
ag damhsa - dancing
lucht féachana - audience
stáitse - stage
giotár - guitar
druma - drum
dordghiotár - bass
By the way - please suggest other holiday traditions practised in Ireland and we'll do those too! #MastoFoclóir
I had to play the Innkeeper in the nativity play one year. It involved a lot of saying 'ar aghaidh libh!' to a confused Íosaf agus Muire. #MastoFoclóir remembers.
Ar aghaidh libh! - Go away! (plural)
ostán - inn
asal - donkey
bó - cow
aoire - shepherd
aingeal - angel
Rugadh leanbh i mBethlehem - A baby was born in Bethlehem
Tabharfaimid cuairt air! - We will visit him!
Cé hé an buachaill leis an druma? - Who's the boy with the drum?
#mastofocloir #irish #gaeilge #christmas
#MastoFoclóir is having an emotional Sunday... #Irish #Gaeilge
mothúcháin - feelings
Tá áthas an domhain orm - I am delighted (lit: the happiness of the world is on me)
Tá sceitimíní orm - I am excited
Tá mé buartha - I am worried
dearg le fearg - red with anger
ar mhuin na muice - on the pig's back (doing great, thanks)
Tá scanradh orm - I am scared
Tá mé ag tnúth [le...] - I am waiting [for...]
ocrasach - hungry
faoi bhrú - under pressure
Weekend #MastoFoclóir is celebrating #Caturday #DéCathairn and early #MonDog with pets!
Bhí cat ag mo mháthair - My mother had a cat
Kit ab ainm dó - His name was Kit
Tá madra agam - I have a dog
Mel is ainm di - Her name is Mel
Is aoibhinn léi bheith ag ithe - She loves to eat
ag súgradh - playing
ag siúl - walking
ag rith i ndiaidh iora - running after a squirrel
Tugann faoileán cuairt orm - A seagull visits me
Thug mé Albert air - I called him Albert
#mastofocloir #caturday #Mondog #irish #gaeilge #decathairn
Those of you who joined for the #Gaeilge posts might not know that my day job is teaching law at uni!
an dlí - the law
an rialtas - the government
polaitíocht - politics
dlíodóir - lawyer
ollscoil - university
mac léinn - student
cearta daonna - human rights
Tá suim agam i [X] - I am interested in [X]
Tá mé ag stáidéar - I am studying
Scríobh mé aiste faoin dlí - I wrote an essay about the law
Fuair mé marcanna maithe - I got good marks
@DrSandraDuffy tuigim do chás. Go raibh maith agat as an #MastoFoclóir inniu.
Feeling vey brain-foggy so there may not be a full #MastoFoclóir today.
A good opportunity to learn the following:
Tá brón orm - I am sorry (literally 'I am sad')
Gabh mo leithscéal - Excuse me
Ní féidir liom - I can't
Tá mé trína chéile - I am all mixed up/upset/confused
Beidh feabhas orm amárach - I will be better tomorrow
Good morning! #MastoFócloir anseo. Today we're going to the #Discworld... :pratchett:
an Diosca - the Disc
eilifint - elephant
turtar - turtle
draoi - wizard
cailleach - witch
an Lucht Faire - the Watch
an Bagáiste - the Luggage
an Ollscoil Dofheicthe - Unseen University
Chuaigh mé go dtí an Leabharlann - I went to the Library
Bhí mé ar thuras go Lancre - I was on a trip to Lancre
Úc? Úc! - Ook? Ook!
#mastofocloir #discworld #gnuterrypratchett #gaeilge #irish