Did anyone say roses?
I've got a happy recipient right here - just send 'em over!
Hello! Is this thing on? Can you see me? I can hear you!
#mastogoats #goat #goatsoffediverse
Hello! Is this thing on? Can you see me? I can hear you!
#mastogoats #goat #goatsoffediverse
It just had to be done, didn't it?
Who let the goats out? 🐐 🔈 🎶
#WholesomeWednesday #Goats #MastoGoats #GoatGang #SorryNotSorry
#WholesomeWednesday #goats #mastogoats #goatgang #sorrynotsorry
It's been a while since the last update on #TheGoatKidWithNoName.
Since the naming poll which came up with a predictable result, #Goaty, as she's affectionately known, has been growing up quickly and is getting into all kinds of mischief.
#TheGoatKidWithNoName #Goaty #WholesomeWednesday #goats #mastogoats
Here's a short bonus video of #TheGoatKidWithNoName. Seconds later it was reunited with its mum and rested in the shade.
#TheGoatKidWithNoName #goatsofmastodon #goats #mastogoats
What should the latest addition to our #GoatGang be called, #Fediverse?
#goatgang #fediverse #goatsofmastodon #goats #mastogoats
Just in time for #WholesomeWednesday here's the latest addition to our #GoatGang.
She's a little bit wobbly on her hooves and as of now still unnamed.
Any suggestions #Fediverse?
I'll attach a handy poll in the follow-up Toot.
#WholesomeWednesday #goatgang #fediverse #goatsofmastodon #goats #mastogoats
Stuck on top of the goat feeder again? 🙄
Luckily, Van Halen have sound advice for Goatlieb. 🔊🎶 🐐
#mastogoats #goats #goatsofmastodon #believeinyourself
Rose stands in the doorway of her house and Violet stands under the salad bar roof; as a light rain falls.
ローズは彼女の家の戸口に立っており、バイオレットはサラダバーの屋根の下に立っています。 小雨が降るにつれて。#ヤギ #goats #GoatsOfMastodon #mastogoats
#ヤギ #goats #goatsofmastodon #mastogoats
And what #WholesomeWednesday would be complete without getting the #GoatGang involved?
Goatlieb and Cabracadabra share a cheeky smoochie while eagerly awaiting their dinner.
#WholesomeWednesday #goatgang #goatsofmastodon #goats #mastogoats
Pouring rain on the farm tonight, Violet watches from the salad bar.
#ヤギ #goats #GoatsOfMastodon #mastogoats
#ヤギ #goats #goatsofmastodon #mastogoats
Rose was shaking her head, which told me her ears were clogged again. Got her cleaned out quickly though.
ローズは頭を振っていたので、耳が再び詰まったと私に言った。 しかし、彼女はすぐに片付けられました
#ヤギ #goats #GoatsOfMastodon #mastogoats #captioned
#ヤギ #goats #goatsofmastodon #mastogoats #captioned
Went to brush the goats, but Violet decided she would rather sleep.(It's the second time this week I've found her like this!)
#ヤギ #goats #GoatsOfMastodon #mastogoats
#ヤギ #goats #goatsofmastodon #mastogoats
The goats lock horns on a lovely, cool spring morning.
#ヤギ #goats #GoatsOfMastodon #mastogoats
#ヤギ #goats #goatsofmastodon #mastogoats
Goatlieb and his gang of gregarious goats wish you all a wonderful #WholesomeWednesday!
But remember: Don't be the kid that keeps the food trough all for themself. Let everyone have their fair share!
#WholesomeWednesday #goatsofmastodon #goats #mastogoats
Violet enjoyed her evening head brushing. It's her happy place!
バイオレットは彼女の夜の頭のブラッシングを楽しんだ。 彼女の幸せな場所です!#ヤギ #goats #GoatsOfMastodon #mastogoats
#ヤギ #goats #goatsofmastodon #mastogoats
Ok, I didn't know that there was such a thing as #mastogoats :)
Meet Eli. Eli is a pygmy goat living at the animal sanctuary and generally spreading joy and happiness wherever she goes <3
Have you had a break recently?
Zieglinde shows how to rest in style 🐐
#goatsofmastodon #goats #mastogoats #WholesomeWednesday