Your mastodon experience is more interesting when you search for posts that have hashtags of interest. We use #dogs #mastodogs #greyhounds and #mastohounds. For obvious reasons as we ain’t nothing but a #hounddog or two. Good morning, all.
#HoundDog #mastohounds #greyhounds #mastodogs #dogs
#greyhounds #mastodogs #mastohounds #dogs Rocky lies in ambush!
#dogs #mastohounds #mastodogs #greyhounds
Rocky: My #pirate patch is graying! #dogs #mastodogs #mastohounds #greyhounds
#greyhounds #mastohounds #mastodogs #dogs #pirate
@Hiroshimalily @stux #dogs #mastodogs #mastohounds #greyhounds
Relax, how can we? There are #CATSIES everywhere.
Caution: 98 dbA bark.
#CATSIES #greyhounds #mastohounds #mastodogs #dogs
Rocky: There was steak 🥩 Monday evening. Staff pan fried it. Staff roasted whole russet jacket potatoes and carrots. They were carrot. And a bit of skin. Oh and a nibble of roast steak. Staff miscalculated preparing it “Trump style”. Almost to the point of ruin.
Oh, then I was photobombed. Worse yet in a Dick pic. #NoRespect #dogs #mastodogs #mastohounds #greyhounds
#greyhounds #mastohounds #mastodogs #dogs #NoRespect
#mastodogs #dogs #mastohounds #greyhounds Rocky: Mounting #zombie watch so they won’t take #TheStaff during mowing operations. Hot, dusty, dangerous work?
#TheStaff #zombie #greyhounds #mastohounds #dogs #mastodogs
Rocky: #TheStaff reading spectacles have gone missing. Dog bed toss threatened. Staff believes glasses are with yogurt & ice cream spoons! Daft, innit! #dogs #mastodogs #mastohounds #greyhounds
#greyhounds #mastohounds #mastodogs #dogs #TheStaff
#dogs #mastodogs #mastohounds Missy is completing her first week of CBD/CBDA treatment for old age arthritis relief. She appears to be showing some improvement in mobility. Still one week to go at initial dose then maintenance. Her product is carefully extracted, refined, and standardized for medicinal use.