Bornach · @bornach
73 followers · 298 posts · Server

[Matt Parker] on the completion of The Great Collatz Collab in which hundreds of schools picked 3 digit numbers to test the Collatz Conjecture, which were then collated into a single large map

The project resources including downloadable map:

#youtube #collatzconjecture #collatz #maths #mathematics #stem #mathstodon #mastomaths #math

Last updated 2 years ago

Ben Goulding · @ben
196 followers · 195 posts · Server

Some (if that's a thing) for you all. A formula to estimate the time in minutes it will take for one of your children to ask "Are we there yet" during a journey.

T = 1+15A / 0.25C^2

T = time in minutes
A = number of activities the children have
C = number of children

#mastomaths #maths #mathematics #math

Last updated 2 years ago

Ben Goulding · @ben
196 followers · 195 posts · Server

Some (if that's a thing) for you all. A formula to estimate the time in minutes it will take for one of your children to ask "Are we there yet" during a journey.

T = Divide[1 + 15A,0.25Power[C,2]]


Last updated 2 years ago