A #mastomeetup is a meetup (or #tootup) for your connections on #Mastodon.
Inspired by the early days of Twitter tweetups, these events will solidify relationships by bringing folks together offline and IRL (in real life).
Let's put the social back into social networking through hugs, high-fives, and handshakes. Who wants to plan the first #mastomeetup in #nashville?
#nashville #mastodon #tootup #mastomeetup
@Vorinstanz Meine Begegnungen habe ich unter #MastoMeetup und #FediMeetup referenziert.
It's been mentioned here a couple times but I might actually have the bandwidth to start casual conversations about a #MastoMeetUp in the San Francisco Bay Area some time after the first week of June.
Plz let me know if you want me to tag you in any further planning related toots!
I was really worried that I was gonna be the normalest person at the #mastomeetup but then Mika's bf came home and now I'm an acceptable level of normal
#Goodthings today was having a #mastomeetup (a proper Swedish "fika") with @ugla, @crowlad@beach.city and @Linuxtjej.
Was einen namen hat, darf nicht gegessen werden. #mastomeetup @christoph @sozialwelten
»Names are powerful seals.«
#mastomeetup Musikempfehlungen für @christoph
Avishai Cohen (Trompeter): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5ISQjo8rZas
Moon Hooch: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wwBhxBBa7tE
@schuppenvogel Ich hab selbst erst dieses Jahr meinen Angelschein gemacht und war noch nicht so viel unterwegs. Ich lerne gerade von @christoph das nötige, um gut alleine am #Rhein in Köln zurechtzukommen.
@schuppenvogel @bertrandterrier @christoph Heute leider nichts, aber sonst #Zander und #Barsch.
Morgen gehen wir an den #Werdersee, für #Hecht und #Barsch.
#Zander #Barsch #Werdersee #Hecht #mastomeetup