We've had over 100 responses to our Fediverse #Moderator Needs Assessment! The survey is open to any Federated / ActivityPub moderation team using any software.
The results will help determine how IFTAS funding will be put to work.
If you'd like to be part of guiding our activities, please fill out our survey: https://cryptpad.fr/form/#/2/form/view/thnEBypiNlR6qklaQNmWAkoxxeEEJdElpzM7h2ZIwXA/
All questions are optional and anonymous if preferred. Survey is open until Aug 31.
Learn more here: https://about.iftas.org/2023/08/09/iftas-federated-trust-and-safety/
#moderator #fedimod #mastomod #TrustAndSafety
Hammered a bunch of spammers, advertisers and people who just won't follow da rulez! :blobhammer: - But the reports keep getting moar and moar :akko_aaa:
I'm thinking I might need a mod in Malaysia or Thailand (as they lie near the opposite longitude from me) to keep an eye on things when I'm not available.
Anyone in Malaysia or Thailand who is fluent in English in the artisan communities have mod experience & willing to help out in their spare time?
We're very small and have few issues, so very low maintenance. I'm not online 24/7 so it would be nice to have a backup in an opposite time zone.
#mastomod #mastmods #mastoadmin #mastoadmins
6. #FediverseModerationsTreff am 30. Juni 20:00 Uhr
Viele wurde die Frage in den letzten Tagen diskutiert #Meta blocken oder föderieren?
Wir wollen mit euch zusammen über die Situation rund um #Project92 und eine eventuell zukünftig stattfindende Zusammenarbeit einiger #Fediverse-Instanzen mit der geplanten Meta-App sprechen, die mit #Mastodon interagieren kann.
Da das Thema in den letzten Tagen große Wellen geschlagen hat, wollen wir Argumente sammeln und einen Raum für Server-Betreibende bieten, um sich über Befürchtungen und einen möglichen Umgang mit Meta auszutauschen.
Organisiert von @ebinger, @w4ts0n und mir.
Anmeldung und Infos: https://termine.social/events/bfb53037-43a3-4807-80f9-13d83e809f71
#fediverseModerationsTreff #meta #project92 #fediverse #mastodon #fedimod #FediMods #mastodmods #mastomod
es gibt in der mastodon moderationsoberfläche jetzt einen button "warnen"
ist mir vorher nicht aufgefallen und ist hier auch nicht gelistet deswegen denke ich dass das neu ist:
hat das schonmal jemand eingesetzt? was passiert wenn man das benutzt?
bassam.social is full of #queerphobic users which also don't mind #harassing me and other users.
A few examples:
- https://bassam.social/@ahm7d25
- https://bassam.social/@fearless
- https://bassam.social/notice/AW11Ee8majGy5vDFse
- https://bassam.social/notice/AW0zhmGtEymBnjlftI
- https://bassam.social/notice/AW0zTY0PU3WbVDH3ke
It is already blocked on mstdn.social and masto.ai
Please boost this to spread awareness! ❤️ :boost_ok:
related to https://mstdn.social/@MagicLike/110407558763753155
#FollowerPower #FuckQueerphobia
#MastoAdmin #FediAdmin #MastoMod #FediMod
#fedimod #mastomod #fediadmin #MastoAdmin #harassment #queerphobia #fuckqueerphobia #FollowerPower #harassing #queerphobic #FediBlock
La parte che preferisco è all'ultimo minuto con Slash.🎸
If you are a #MastoAdmin or #MastoMod and are looking for a place to interact with fellow admins/mods outside of Mastodon, for things such as discussing ideas or support, @jcrabapple has kindly setup a MatterMost server for all of us and we'd love to have you join us there!
You can reach out to myself via DM and let me know what instance(s) you admin/mod, and I can get you an invite link!
#MastoChat #TownSquare #FellowAdmins #FellowMods #MatterMost
#mastoadmin #mastomod #mastochat #townsquare #fellowadmins #fellowmods #mattermost
Questa è adeguata alle attuali condizioni meteo ed altro ... 🙏
Was können #Schutzkonzepte im #Fediverse sein?
Darum geht es im 4. #FediverseModerationsTreff
@ebinger, @w4ts0n und ich organisieren am Montag den 27. Feburar, 20:00 Uhr, online auf #BBB, eine Runde für alle #Mods und Interessierten, in der wir darüber sprechen wollen, wie wir unsere Communitys schützen und unsere Server absichern können.
Was? 4. Fediverse Moderation-Treff
Wann? 27. Januar, 20:00 Uhr
Wo? https://lecture.senfcall.de/tho-vpy-plo-txw
Thema? Schutzkonzepte im #Fedi
#Mastodon #Friendica #Pleroma #Misskey #Pixelfed #Peertube #Funkwhale #Mod #FediMod #FediMods #MastoMod #MastoMods
#Schutzkonzepte #fediverse #fediverseModerationsTreff #bbb #mods #fedi #mastodon #friendica #pleroma #misskey #pixelfed #peertube #funkwhale #mod #fedimod #FediMods #mastomod #mastoMods
Solo l'inzio sembra musica classica, poi diventa 'Bossa Nova'. 🙏
A great way to find instances to suspend is to browse your cache of custom emojis from other instances.
The worst actors can't help but to add swastikas and hateful caricatures to their servers. Easy low-hanging-fruit to get rid of before their users show up and bring you problems.
#FediFence Blocklists updated: https://fedifence.social/about
Changelog: https://github.com/FediFence/fedifence/blob/main/blocklists/blocklist.changelog.txt
#mastoadmin #fedifence #mastomod
Lots of interesting new ideas popping up in the last days about community management. I've updated my "guide" and resources: https://github.com/mszell/mastoadminresources #mastoadmin #mastomod
The Fediverse Could Be Awesome (EFF): https://www.eff.org/deeplinks/2022/11/fediverse-could-be-awesome-if-we-dont-screw-it
Democratic governance (see also https://mastodon.lol/@schock/109383950563020172): https://wiki.social.coop/How-to-make-the-fediverse-your-own.html
Santa Clara Principles: https://santaclaraprinciples.org/
Lots of interesting new ideas popping up in the last days about community management. I've updated my "guide" and resources: https://github.com/mszell/mastoadminresources #mastoadmin #mastomod
The Fediverse Could Be Awesome (EFF): https://www.eff.org/deeplinks/2022/11/fediverse-could-be-awesome-if-we-dont-screw-it
Democratic governance (see also https://mastodon.lol/@schock/109383950563020172): https://wiki.social.coop/How-to-make-the-fediverse-your-own.html
Santa Clara Principles: https://santaclaraprinciples.org/
@hrheingold @ntnsndr @schock how about, for crystallizing convo/initiative on Mastodon/Fediverse content-moderators' co-op: a provisional name & hashtag? & suggest Mastodon as lead place to discuss; where a hashtag can be followed like an acct.
#FediMod, #FediConMod, #FediModCoop, #MastoMod, #MastoModCoop?
#FediMod #fediconmod #fedimodcoop #mastomod #mastomodcoop
This might be in the interest for the admins and mods of fedi
#mastoadmin #mastomod #feditips
Thanks to @cliffwade
#feditips #mastomod #mastoadmin