IFTAS Issues New Moderator Trust and Safety Needs Assessment Survey
Announcement: https://about.iftas.org/2023/08/09/iftas-federated-trust-and-safety/
Moderator Needs Assessment: https://cryptpad.fr/form/#/2/form/view/thnEBypiNlR6qklaQNmWAkoxxeEEJdElpzM7h2ZIwXA/
#mastoadmin #MastoMods #Moderation #TrustAndSafety @moderation
#mastoadmin #mastomods #moderation #trustandsafety
IFTAS Issues New Moderator Trust and Safety Needs Assessment Survey
Announcement: https://about.iftas.org/2023/08/09/iftas-federated-trust-and-safety/
Modeator Needs Assessment: https://cryptpad.fr/form/#/2/form/view/thnEBypiNlR6qklaQNmWAkoxxeEEJdElpzM7h2ZIwXA/
#mastoadmin #MastoMods #Moderation #TrustAndSafety @moderation
#mastoadmin #mastomods #moderation #trustandsafety
Folks... I am sick of this BS:
If someone disagrees with you, it's NOT 'harassing you' - It's called 'having a different opinion'.
If someone expresses their opinion on a topic, it's not "shitposting under hashtag" it's freedom of speech!
Stop clogging my queue with bullshit reports. If you can't live in a world where not everyone is a part of your bubble and has thoughts and opinions of their own, don't use social media.
You can report me if someone offends you, posts nazi/racism and other offending or illegal bullshit, but if you don't stop spamming me with your whiney "That user said he is not with me on topic XYZ he/she/it is HARASSING MEEEEEE!" I am going to block you and report you for spamming and fucking STEALING MY TIME to care about some REAL problems.
#fediverse #mastodon #Mastomods #Administration #Bullshitreports #Snowflakes #Moderation #Contentmoderation
#fediverse #mastodon #mastomods #administration #bullshitreports #snowflakes #moderation #contentmoderation
@moderation #MastoMods #TrustAndSafety
Open Call for #Fediverse #Moderation Panel
Some of you know I have been working on non-profit funding to create an organisation ("IFTAS") to support moderators and admins. This is a non-profit entity that employs moderators and advisors to improve the tools and policies we have access to, and to present a strong voice to platform developers describing the tools and features needed to conduct the work.
Full announcement: https://docs.google.com/document/d/16MmqeKSDwyzV9v7GP0D68rEIBmG4FSiimuzI4lEdP_k/edit?usp=sharing
#moderation #fediverse #TrustAndSafety #mastomods
@moderation @fediforum we will be shooting for the 9PST/12EST/5BST slots on each day
Day one we will review the results of a needs assessment conducted for #MastoAdmin and #MastoMods
Day two we will walk through a proposal for finding ways to compensate #moderator teams and provide resources to support the growing community and its ability to preserve #BetterSocialMedia for all
Join us! https://fediforum.org/schedule/
#moderation #TrustAndSafety #bettersocialmedia #moderator #mastomods #mastoadmin
Looking forward to joining #FediForum today to discuss #moderation and #TrustAndSafety in a growing Fediverse. Join the discussion: https://Fediforum.org
@moderation #MastoMods #MastoAdmin @fediforum
#mastoadmin #mastomods #TrustAndSafety #moderation #fediforum
Looking forward to joining #FediForum today to discuss #moderation and #TrustAndSafety in a growing Fediverse. Join the discussion: https://Fediforum.org
@moderation #MastoMods #MastoAdmin
#mastoadmin #mastomods #TrustAndSafety #moderation #fediforum
Greetings #MastoMods and Fediverse #Moderation community members!
In a world of #BetterSocialMedia we will need more and more moderation resources to support a growing community.
Surveys have shown need for access to legal and compliance resources, additional #moderators , improved moderation tools and template documentation.
What would you like to see made available to help continue supporting a safe and civil Fediverse?
#moderators #bettersocialmedia #moderation #mastomods
Greetings #MastoMods and Fediverse #Moderation community members!
In a world of #BetterSocialMedia we will need more and more moderation resources to support a growing community.
Surveys have shown need for access to legal and compliance resources, additional #moderators , improved moderation tools and template documentation.
What would you like to see made available to help continue supporting a safe and civil Fediverse?
#moderators #bettersocialmedia #moderation #mastomods
@jcrabapple @mackuba I follow #MastoAdmin #MastoAdmins #FediAdmin #MastoMods
If you're in Advanced mode. You can pin those and add all of them to one column.
#mastoadmin #mastoadmins #fediadmin #mastomods
#MastoMods and #MastoAdmin I've received responses to the #Moderation Needs Assessment survey from admins and mods representing nearly 400,000 Fediverse member accounts!
๐ Thank you to all who participated, I will be aggregating the data and reporting out to the @DecentSocial community - and posting to the relevant hashtags.
Survey participants will receive responses this week.
The survey will remain online so please jump in you haven't already https://forms.gle/1bzPxmnsyQdLKuf36
#moderation #mastoadmin #mastomods
#MastoMods and #MastoAdmin I'll be soft-closing the #moderation needs assessment form tomorrow, if you'd like to register interest in #contentmoderation resources and tools for moderation guides, training, wellness, legal and compliance, please fill out forms.gle/1bzPxmnsyQdLKuf36
The form will remain online but this first group will be considered for all early access opportunities, so please jump in you haven't already.
#contentmoderation #moderation #mastoadmin #mastomods
#MastoMods and #MastoAdmin folks, I'm looking to gauge interest in getting you access to membership in the TSPA, a global membership support community for people who develop and moderate policies and practices that define acceptable behavior and content.
If you'd like to register interest, please fill out the form at https://forms.gle/1bzPxmnsyQdLKuf36 - all responses are confidential.
#moderation #contentmoderation #communitymanagement #fediadmin
#fediadmin #communitymanagement #contentmoderation #moderation #mastoadmin #mastomods
Greetings #MastoMods and #MastoAdmin - I'm requesting responses to a survey to gather information on account and content #moderation activities in advance of seeking collective funding for things like legal support, compliance resources, moderation guides and trainings, wellness resources and support etc - any and all feedback is welcome! Please see https://forms.gle/1bzPxmnsyQdLKuf36 - all responses are private but aggregated data will be used in conversations with funders and resource providers.
#moderation #mastoadmin #mastomods
๐ This week's #MercherMindful falls on #Imbolc so you'll be seeing a lot of #snowdrops today!
This is a reminder that to help raise awareness for folks with vision issues, February will see images with no description temporarily blurred on Fridays ๐ฑ
Some servers are running on #FuzzyFridays, others for a week, others all month on what is being called #Feblurari
Read more about #AltText or join in here: https://blogs.toot.wales/toot/fuzzy-fridays
#a11y #visuallyimpaired #blind #mastomods #midweekmindful #alttext #feblurari #fuzzyfridays #snowdrops #imbolc #merchermindful
๐ This week's #MercherMindful falls on #DyddSantesDwynwen - a day to express love!
#AltText is wonderful way to show love to your Fediverse followers, but it's a new habit for some.
So, in Feb we will be starting #FuzzyFridays to help raise awareness - images with no caption will be temporarily blurred on Fridays ๐ฑ
If you'd like your server to participate hit reply and @ your admin
Read more about #AltText or join in #FuzzyFridays here: https://blogs.toot.wales/toot/fuzzy-fridays
#mastomods #midweekmindful #fuzzyfridays #alttext #dyddsantesdwynwen #merchermindful
@jeff it's fair to point out I have no insight into the latest actions by your mod team, however I am referring to your reply to the question posed if the content and/or member broke your stated rules, wherein you implied transphobia is "legitimate public discourse" and that such speech is somehow legitimised by it being "respectful and in good faith", a trope we are hearing a little too often lately.
If you have since taken a different stance, I'd be pleased to hear about that.
@charlesgaba @Gargron @Mastodon I do not have access to what the member stated in the report, it very well may have been for something other than gore/violence. As you have an appeal in, let us know what you find out.
Nonetheless, publicly decrying a content moderation action that you acknowledge is partially appropriate, maybe wait to hear back before causing a ruckus?
Lots of volunteers and low-paid mods learning on the job right now, constructive feedback goes farther.
@jsit there used to be a badge on the profile, which has disappeared.
There is this discussion: https://github.com/mastodon/mastodon/issues/21555