@cambraca somehow I missed the #mastomusiccollab when it was getting started - would love to participate in a future round!
/1 A๐งตabout #music #creativity and #serendipity:
I was recently invited to join the #MastoMusicCollab project, where #musicians are #collaborating on creating some really #cool new #tunes. ๐ธ
This reminded me of another collaboration from almost 20 years ago that ended up being one of the funnest things I've ever participated in. I thought other #creative types might enjoy the #tale
In 2003 was running a side business building websites while working full-time for a #NativeAmerican tribe๐
#music #creativity #serendipity #mastomusiccollab #musicians #collaborating #cool #tunes #creative #tale #nativeamerican
@chad very nice! can I get an account? I'd love to upload the results of #MastoMusicCollab here (when it's done!)
In service of #MastoMusicCollab I have finally figured out how to count in 7/8 -- "1 and 2 and 3 and a"
Also as a long time #musician #guitarist the other platforms got me nowhere. The best #musical #projects I've ever been involved in were always adhoc, improv affairs. Trying to do something like that online had failed me.
Yet here, no more than 60 seconds after I ask about #MusicCollaboration I get an invitation from the amazing @cambraca, admin of musicians.today & brain behind the #MastoMusicCollab project. An hour later and I was plugged into the project & man, I'm excited about it! ๐
#musician #guitarist #musical #projects #musiccollaboration #mastomusiccollab
So you started the #MastoMusicCollab project, right?
This is your brainchild?
@awford ooooh have I got the thing for you. Check out this hashtag: #MastoMusicCollab, you should be able to find a Google spreadsheet with an ongoing project. I believe the Orange team is understaffed, feel free to send a message to their director.
@Johnny @msirt @violistinvt @mikefan
Hey #MastoMusicCollab Orange Team - checking in. From what I can tell, Johnny and I are the only folks who've edited the spreadsheet/joined Discord.
Spreadsheet: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1q52YMCun8_q7MjHCZwtdmQ2cDjVGu9FV4O_BZ36aaug/edit#gid=0 (link to Discord on 8th row)
We're both pretty busy and haven't recorded any tracks yet, so there's still time to join. It's also totally OK if you're not able to join this time - life happens, and you'd still be super welcome next time.
@Johnny @msirt @violistinvt @mikefan
Hey #MastoMusicCollab Orange Team - checking in. From what I can tell, Johnny and I are the only folks who've edited the spreadsheet/joined Discord.
Spreadsheet: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1q52YMCun8_q7MjHCZwtdmQ2cDjVGu9FV4O_BZ36aaug/edit#gid=0 (link to Discord on 8th row)
We're both pretty busy and haven't recorded any tracks yet, so there's still time to join. It's also totally OK if you're not able to join this time, life happens, and you'd still be super welcome next time.
PS. I just realized my system is not very colorblind-friendly... let me know if that's an issue for anyone!
PS2. I tried to balance the groups fairly, but I'm only human (and it's past midnight). Feel free to rearrange!
PS3. I really hope we can shuffle the groups later so I get to play with more of you. But, for now, let's focus on our very first #MastoMusicCollab!
I'm starting this (probably long) thread with everyone in the spreadsheet. Here we go.
There is such a difference between having people over and making, like, a meal together. The former is great; the latter is what life is about.
This is, for me, what #MastoMusicCollab is about. I don't want us to just be polite and "here" with each other; I also want to *make* something with y'all, I want to really get to know you through that process.
We will most likely never meet irl (not all of us at least), but that doesn't have to stop us from forming a real #community.
During the pandemic, I had the honor of mixing and editing this beautiful song by the Australian #choir "Shaking the Tree".
Singers recorded their takes at home, using their mobile phones (even for the audio!) and sent me the files in wildly different formats and recording qualities, which made this a bit of a challenge, but a rewarding one.
#MastoMusicCollab is possible!
More: @mcmullin @SunnieLarsen @MTP @beeellecee @radioanywhere @jengomes @Johnny @themodestokid @lopodyr @diskonformist @sean @wolfgang @msirt @mwhiteside @braydenwise @mkelley @stevenhenry @wokingchoral @christorkewitz @audiodude
OK, I'll stop now. You get the idea ;) #MusiciansAssemble! #MastoMusicCollab ๐ https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1q52YMCun8_q7MjHCZwtdmQ2cDjVGu9FV4O_BZ36aaug/edit
#musiciansassemble #mastomusiccollab
And now, and in no particular order, I tag people.
@ajgoulet @mikefan @lenoybarkai @askin @microtones @izziegofficial @baroquepawel @sarahking @linesofsilence @violistinvt @TotoRobyn @jonldavis @mikebabyak
#MastoMusicCollab ๐ https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1q52YMCun8_q7MjHCZwtdmQ2cDjVGu9FV4O_BZ36aaug/edit
- When recording each track, also record yourself on video. Let's make this a visual thing too. I (or a better video editor) can edit it.
- Also needed: someone who can mix the hell out of it (or I can do a shit job of it if need be).
What say you?