#Mastotips for the #mastonewbie! If you're typing up an #introduction post, litter it with relevant #Hashtags.
Unlike #twitter, #mastodon doesn't let you search for toots using normal words with no hashtags. This is to protect toots that don't want to be searched.
So hash it up! Use hashtags that are relevant to your interests!
#mastotips #mastonewbie #introduction #hashtags #twitter #mastodon #fediverse
There is a playful spirit about #Mastodon — some sort of muse flitting here and there, spreading good vibes around.
Almost 2 months on Mastodon — am I still a newbie?
Question for y’all: I’ve noticed that some peeps boost their own posts, and I’ve done it some myself, but I don’t really understand why — why do you boost your own posts, and is it necessary to boost them immediately?
#MastoMusings #MastodonSpirit #MastoNewbie #MastoMuse #GoodVibes #HappySpirit #Fediverse
#Fediverse #happyspirit #goodvibes #mastomuse #mastonewbie #mastodonspirit #mastomusings #Mastodon
Como que se cria filtros por aqui?
Tanto web quanto pelo tusky (é possível criar filtros lá?)
As I get accustomed to Mastodon, please expect:
1. I am responding to someone other than you, but you get the mention (IDKW-Yet)
2. I am sending a message twice because I sent it to my followers, and I only have 2.
3. I will spell Mastodon Mastidon, and I will do this numerous times because I've really never written about prehistoric hairy pachyderms, and It's going to take a minute to get it right.
#twittermigration #mastonewbie
One of the super fun things about being part of a new (to me), social network, is the joy of meeting new people (and not being exhausted by familiars who bore you but everyone else clicks on and pushes into your feed.) #mastonewbie
Coming from the algorithmic hellscape of engagement driven interactions, it took a bit for me to go thru the like-craving abstinence syndrome. But now I’m happily discovering how much real joy a simple like on my silly posts brings to my day and how much I’m enjoying the pleasure of casual conversation that happens here on the #Fediverse.
#simplepleasures #mastonewbie #community #fediverse
Avrei una domanda per gli utenti più esperti. Ho appena settato i toot di default come "non elencato" (cambiando manualmente solo il primo delle potenziali discussioni). Ma come funziona con i boost? Seguono l'impostazione di default o sono sempre pubblici per favorire la diffusione di contenuti?
#mastoaiuto #mastonewbie
So far every hash tag I've searched on here has turned up very, very old toots. D'oh #mastonewbie
A question on #mastodon mechanics. Some toots are bookmarkable, while others aren't.
Is this a per-post or per-user setting or are non-local toots generally not bookmarkable, or is it a client thing? (Currently on official Android app.)
#mastodon #mastonewbie #newbie #question