Marcel Haas · @harcel
680 followers · 311 posts · Server

@LeonDLotter it is! Hopefully many will follow suit!


Last updated 2 years ago

Leon Lotter · @LeonDLotter
623 followers · 70 posts · Server

(I realize that some of these suggestions would best be used simulatenously, e.g., and have obviously different content. What I am searching for is a common tag for *threads* explaining research articles, not only posts announcing a new publication 🙂.
I had to drop one tag bc of the 5-option limit in polls, and I went for as it was my own suggestion.)

Some further thoughts:
One could combine these tags in a standardized way with research field names, e.g. , , or .
Also, please remember to use or notation in these tags for screenreader accessibility!

Tagging some people who responded to my first post (sorry for bothering you!):
@mwt @toddhorowitz @achterbrain @PessoaBrain @elduvelle @Brendanjones @gdiak @EricLawton @annettamallon @UlrikeHahn @ryneches @x1l3f @nyates314 @bsweber @ArneBab @tfardet @emergentnexus @DrAnneCarpenter @f @harcel @MarkHanson @Iris

#newpaper #preprint #mastoprint #newneuropaper #neuropreprint #neuropaperthread #camelcase

Last updated 2 years ago

Leon Lotter · @LeonDLotter
623 followers · 70 posts · Server

Hi community! A few days ago, a post of mine recieved a lot of attention. Thanks for the engagement and the very interesting suggestions!

On , I loved the common practice of writing threads explaining new and in an understandable way.
I uttered my concern that through the chronological timeline here people might miss interesting science. A solution would be to agree on names for hashtags and/or groups to ease tracking these "paper threads".

Following tags were named more then once: .
Also, there was , but that might be a slightly different category?

I heard people like participation - so let's do a poll! What's your favourite tag for threads explaining research articles? 📊​ Multiple choices possible!

@academicchatter @neuroscience @cognition @psychology @phdstudents

#science #research #mastodon #twitter #preprints #papers #newpaper #paperthread #preprint #researchpaper #mastoprint #tootprint #tootorial #twittermigration #sciencetwitter #scientist

Last updated 2 years ago

El Duvelle · @elduvelle
375 followers · 647 posts · Server

@kendmiller @NicoleCRust
Since we can combine hashtags in searches, pinned hashtags etc. I vote for whenever we’re referring to… a paper in neuroscience, and simply add the if it’s also a thread?
Also if it’s a preprint thread it could be but preprints and papers are really not that different nowadays…

#neuropaper #thread #mastoprint

Last updated 2 years ago

Todd Horowitz · @toddhorowitz
280 followers · 64 posts · Server

@LeonDLotter @phdstudents @academicchatter @neuroscience @cognition

I agree, this is one of the main things I found useful about "Science Twitter". I like , and also suggest .

#PaperThread #mastoprint

Last updated 2 years ago

Leon Lotter · @LeonDLotter
471 followers · 9 posts · Server

On , my favourite thing were reading and, on rare occasions, writing "paper/preprint threads". From the researchers I followed and through the algorithm, this became my most important source for new .

While people start to do the same on , I have the feeling that I miss important work bc no algorithm "saves" it for me if I don't watch my timeline constantly.

Two simple solutions would be: a commonly accepted hashtag that everybody uses when writing "paper threads" or a [...] @ group with a similar adaptation rate.

1: is there already a mechanism for this that I missed?
2: What hashtag or group name?
I saw before. Maybe ? ? ? ? ?

Suggestions and boosts, please, we need reach for this! 🤓​

@phdstudents @academicchatter @neuroscience @cognition

#sciencetwitter #twitter #research #mastodon #question #tootprint #paperinatoot #paperinapost #paperinathread #paperpost #mastoprint #twittermigration #science #scientist

Last updated 2 years ago

Robin Gutzen · @rgutzen
359 followers · 8 posts · Server

Is there yet a mastodon alternative for ?
Anyway, here goes a 🪩

"Evaluating the statistical similarity of neural network activity and connectivity via eigenvector angles"

I'm very excited to finally see this published. Let me tell you about it:
🧵 1/5

#compneuro #statistics #NeuroScience #neuralnetworks #mastoprint #tweeprint

Last updated 2 years ago