amix del #mastopunk aiutatemi, sono sicuro di avere sentito un pezzo punk italiano ispirato alla rivolta di Kronstadt ma non riesco più ricordare chi cosa dove come quando
help! :bongoCat:
#MastoRadio #MastoMusic #MastoPunk #Punk
A good morning song: "Nellie the Elephant", Toy Dolls, 1984.
#punk #mastopunk #mastomusic #mastoradio
#MastoRadio #MastoMusic #MastoPunk #Punk
Mi piacciono i videi con i testi delle canzoni punk, così si capisce cosa dicono e non pare che dicano solo "Aiaiaia o oooohh…".
#punk #mastopunk #mastomusic #mastoradio
#MastoRadio #MastoMusic #MastoPunk #Punk #EarWorm
I've tooted this song other times in the past, but I find it "energizing".
Toy Dolls, "Nellie the Elephant", 1984.
#earworm #punk #mastopunk #mastomusic #mastoradio
E intanto mi ascolto "The Best of the TOY DOLLS".
#MastoRadio #MastoMusic #MastoPunk #Punk
#punk #mastopunk #mastomusic #mastoradio
#MastoRadio #MastoMusic #MastoPunk #Punk
"Les patrons c'est comme les cochons
Ça ne mérite oui qu'une volée de plomb
Et la seule chose que ça sait faire
C'est de voler ses propres frères"
Les Sales Majestés, "Les Patrons", 2000.
Lyrics 👍 👍 👍,p64774
#punk #mastopunk #mastomusic #mastoradio
#MastoRadio #MastoMusic #MastoPunk #Punk
The Mob - May Inspire Revolutionary Acts (FULL ALBUM).
2007 compilation.
Invidious suggestions are better than YouTube suggestions 😄
#punk #mastopunk #mastomusic #mastoradio
#MastoRadio #MastoMusic #MastoPunk #Punk
Omega Tribe, "No Love Lost", 1983.
#punk #mastopunk #mastomusic #mastoradio
#MastoRadio #MastoMusic #MastoPunk #Punk #Oi
RIP, "Odio a mi patria", 1987.
Nice lyrics below the video.
#oi #punk #mastopunk #mastomusic #mastoradio
#MastoRadio #MastoMusic #MastoPunk #Punk
The #Clash - Full Concert Recorded Live: 3/8/1980 - Capitol Theatre (Passaic, NJ)
#clash #punk #mastopunk #mastomusic #mastoradio
#MastoRadio #MastoMusic #MastoPunk #Punk
Oi! & WORKING CLASS "The rhetoric of Punk has always insisted that both the music and the style were strictly working-class, the expression of the dispossessed and the economically downtrodden. Punk was 'Sound From The Streets' rather than 'The Sound Of The Suburbs'..."
1 hr of good assortment.
#punk #mastopunk #mastomusic #mastoradio
Oggi bella giornata. Abbiamo finalmente fatto un importante upgrade al sound dell* Larva e sono molto soddisfatto di come stanno andando le prove. Per digerire abbiamo chiuso con una lunga improvvisazione sludge di cui vi lascio un breve estratto
English Dogs - Invasion of the Porky Man (Full Album), 1984
#punk #mastopunk #mastomusic #mastoradio
Iniziamo l'ultimo anno di carriera dei #NOFX con un po' di #WarpedTour. Era il 2003, e questi erano i #Sum41
#nofx #warpedtour #sum41 #mastoradio #mastopunk #millennial #throwback
#MastoRadio #MastoMusic #MastoPunk #Punk
"Nellie the Elephant", The Toy Dolls, live 1984.
:blobheart: :blobheart: :blobheart: :blobheart:
#punk #mastopunk #mastomusic #mastoradio
#MastoRadio #MastoMusic #MastoPunk #Punk
Cock Sparrer - rebellion fest 2013 (full show)
A lovely audience, too 😍
#punk #mastopunk #mastomusic #mastoradio