#CommonLisp #Mastoquestions #prettyPrinting
So I do want to pretty print some forms, but I don't want the "oh this is a when form" pretty printing. What to do?
(princ '((when the first atom is when this happens)))
(princ '((but otherwise this happens))
#commonlisp #mastoquestions #prettyprinting
#CommonLisp #mastoquestions @svetlyak40wt @galdor I forgot. I am giving modules of an asdf system their own packages.
I'm confused: I'm just 'defpackage ing #:foo.bar #:foo.baz packages in bar and baz modules of the foo package. But I thought in asdf I should be making subpackages named #:foo/bar and #:foo/baz automatically (but I lack an example at hand). Is that reserved for asdf's package-inferred-system stuff? What's the right style for asdf modules?
I see posts of way more than 500 characters coming up in my feed. Is that depending on instance, or is there some trick I'm missing?
#mastodon #howtheydothat #mastoquestions #questions
Hello new world! QQ - is there an easy way to find the people you follow on twitter on here? Other than going name by name? #mastoquestions #twittermigration
#mastoquestions #twittermigration
Thinking about expanding my profile a bit with more info on my interests and such. But wondering if hashtags in profiles are even searchable? Seems that when I search hashtags only posts come up, not profiles with those hashtags. Using Metatext if it matters. Or maybe I’ll just keep my profile succinct, I suppose if one looks at my posts and boosts they can probably get enough info about me, plus the cute #velvethippo avatar might be enough info. #mastoquestions
I don't think this is an option, but I wish we could exclude boosts on lists. With all the good following energy (people, groups, tags) I have lots of great stuff to read but I'm losing track of some folks. I've put them on lists, but then those lists have all the stuff they're boosting and that clouds the visibility of their personal posts, too.
I don't want to turn off boosts entirely. Not sure there is a mid-way option?
#mastodonquestions #mastodon #mastoquestions
#mastoquestions I’m curious why I sometimes see people who I’m not following in my home feed, as I thought the home feed was just people who I’m following or posts containing hashtags that I’m following. But I definitely get some posts that are neither. Curious as to why, anyone know?
Why is the # Explore tab the only one I can't pin in the Advanced Web Interface? #feditips #mastoquestions
Threads don’t seem to be that great on my instance here. I’ve seen some users with super long posts too. Maybe there’s sporadic character restrictions subject to whatever mastoInstance maybe. I should go read and find out. Or maybe someone will tell me
Trying to find my way around and populate my feed differently than the bird app.
Anyone know why people on @mastodonapp.uk are showing with no profile pix/followers/info for me?
Seemed ok the other day. #mastoquestions #mastodonquestions
#mastodonquestions #mastoquestions