They called it #wicked. The spawn of the deepest hell. Tina did not care one rat's bottom as the chords and rhythm transported her to realms beyond herself. She was at once the genius creator and the needful consumer. Her escape.
#vss365 #MastoShort #ShortStory
Image: Jakayla Toney at #Unsplash
#unsplash #shortstory #mastoshort #vss365 #wicked
Alomandrix did not comprehend Graham's ire. He had only just arrived on this poxy little planet and had initiated a traditional and warm Farluthian greeting - orb on orb. Graham's head was the closest thing to an orb the human had. Graham agreed with the warm bit, but that was where it ended. First Contact.
#SciFiFri #MastoShort #ShortStory #FlashFiction
Image: Olivier Miche at Unsplash
#FlashFiction #shortstory #mastoshort #SciFiFri