Movie: 'The Tango Lesson' (with Sally Potter, Pablo Veron, Gustavo Navera, Fabian Salas etal)
Length: 1hr 37mins
Many lovely moments of #tango
#argentinetango #tangoargentino #tangolesson #tangodancer #ilovetango #tangocommunity #mastotango
#tango #argentinetango #tangoargentino #tangolesson #tangodancer #ilovetango #tangocommunity #mastotango
If you choose to dance like this #showtango in a social #milonga the organiser would ask you to leave the #Ronda It's #chaos !
Dancers like those folk seated around the room are being ripped off, they are funding a #tangoindustry which exists in an alternative reality.
No-one who truly loves tango would use show-steps !
#mastotango #tangocommunity #socialtango #milonga #salontango #tangohistory #porteño #tanguero #tanguera #milonguero #milonguera #tangodancer
#showtango #milonga #Ronda #chaos #tangoindustry #mastotango #tangocommunity #socialtango #salontango #tangohistory #porteno #tanguero #tanguera #milonguero #milonguera #tangodancer
"Cabeceo/mirada rule is a part of the #tango culture which is not only a symbolic ritual. The etiquette is a shield by which clever people protect themselves from unpleasant situations. The following five points will give you clear picture how the cabeceo/mirada rule will protect you. So, why cabeceo?" ~ Ivika Anteski aka TangoMentor
#argentinetango #tangoprotocol #tangoetiquette #tangocommunity #mastotango #tangolife #tangoblog #tangoinwales
#tango #argentinetango #tangoprotocol #tangoetiquette #tangocommunity #mastotango #tangolife #tangoblog #tangoinwales
If you are thinking about learning how to dance #argentinetango you need to take on board that to dance successfully you have to leave #ego behind. There has to 100% acceptance of your authentic self and 100% acceptance of the other person in the dance.
#tangoDJ Yelizaveta at 'Tango Banter' talks about this in her podcast #77:
#argentinetango #milonga #mastotango #tangodancer #tangotunes #tangobanter
#argentinetango #ego #tangodj #milonga #mastotango #tangodancer #tangotunes #tangobanter
Musical #tango toes
#tangotune : Carlos Di Sarli & Alberto Podesta "Al Compas Del Corazon"
Dancer: Eleonora Kalganova
#tango #argentinetango #tangotune #mastotango
I can well imagine! It's not easy to dance either! It is however very emotional and inspiring when you 'get it'.
#argentinetango #mastotango #tangocommunity #tangoinwales #tangotunes
There will be a tango community with classes running in your location, I'm sure.
#argentinetango #mastotango #tangocommunity #tangoinwales #tangotunes
I'm researching the tradition of playing La Cumparista at the end of #milongas
I love the tradition. It's one of my favourite #tangotunes and has been recorded by so many different orchestras, which gives it different flavours and opportunities for dancers.
Do any of my #mastotango friends have any insights?
@hanspetermeyer @TangoAndToys @bttk @Ross2Cats @neurob
#milongas #tangotunes #mastotango
Our first language is not 'words' ... it is 'movement'.
Unfortunately for some people they lose that bond with movement when they grow from toddler to child to teen to adult.
They allow others to tell them how to behave: what is and what is not acceptable.
Movement, in other words 'dance', sets our spirit free.
Join your #tangocommunity it can set your soul free.
#mastotango #tangoargentino #argentinetango #tango
#tangocommunity #mastotango #tangoargentino #argentinetango #tango
Gorgeous #tangotunes from Juan D'Arienzo.
#tango #mastotango #tangocommunity #tangomedicine
#lifelonglearning #creativity
There is likely a #tangoteacher and #tangoclass where you are, whether you can master this challenging dance remains to be seen. One thing is certain, it will change your life!
#tangotunes #tango #mastotango #tangocommunity #tangomedicine #lifelonglearning #creativity #tangoteacher #tangoclass
Absolutely beautiful, a fortuitous encounter.
My two passions #tango and #architecture .
Glad I discovered your work.
There is a healthy #tangocommunity in Cambridge .
#tangopose #mastotango
#tango #architecture #tangocommunity #tangoargentino #tangopose #mastotango
If you can ignore the 'push marketing' in this video from Tango Space London you can gain lots from listening to what is said about the difference between dancing #tango and #milonga
1. Keep the axis in the middle
2. Take much smaller steps
3. Make the embrace to the side rather than chest to chest
and NO fancy steps, keep it simple.
#tangolesson #tangoclass #milongamagic #tangotunes #mastotango #tangodancing #onlinelesson
#tango #milonga #tangolesson #tangoclass #milongamagic #tangotunes #mastotango #tangodancing #onlinelesson
Time for fun.
I dance #tango #milonga around my living room.
The word milonga has two means:
1. A gathering of #tangodancers for a social event
2. The pace of the music: milonga is the fastest pace of #tangotunes
'La puñalada' by Juan D
#tango #milonga #tangodancers #tangotunes #tangocommunity #mastotango #tangofun
Really enjoying the feast of information about #tangotunes and #tangomaestros here on @antzee 's website TANGO NOTES. [Thanks Amelia].
This resource combined with Michael Lavocah's 'Tango Masters' library of books, about the famous #tango orchestra leaders, is a must for someone like me who thrives on learning as much of the detail as possible.
#tango #tangoargentino #argentinetango #tangocommunity #mastotango #tangomusic #tangotunes
#tangotunes #tangomaestros #tango #tangoargentino #argentinetango #tangocommunity #mastotango #tangomusic
An intimate conversation between two people, for their pleasure alone and no-one else.
Where two souls meet and meld as one.
Last night's #milonga event to celebrate the 80th birthday of the Godfather of Welsh #tango was a well balanced event: dancing 50% of the time and socialising with friends for the remainder.
[Minor issue - the caterers had not included a single #glutenfree item on the food table.]
DJ must have worked really hard to find alternative #tangotune versions of our fav orchestras, unfortunately some we didn't even recognise.
#mastotango #tangocommunity #tangoinwales #tangodj #salontango
#salontango #tangodj #tangoinwales #tangocommunity #mastotango #tangotune #glutenfree #tango #milonga
Oggi è il secondo giorno del festival di tango e la cosa bellissima è che ho ballato tantissimo (male) con persone da tutto il mondo, anche con persone con chi non potevo parlare perché non parlavamo la stessa lingua, eppure con la danza puoi comunicare anche se non sai una lingua di cinese, o georgiano...
"Se non posso ballare non è la mia rivoluzione"
Avvistato Robo selvatico a ballare male il tango in quel di Catania.