@cstross @ArmyGirl @ChrisMayLA6 @fencoul I'd partly blame #Mastodon's terrible UI for this problem.
On the #ActivityPub level, Content Warnings occupy the title/name slot of a post (you know, that old subject field for #email or #Usenet articles? It was there for a reason).
That should be exposed directly and shouldn't count against character count in posts.
#mastodon #activitypub #email #usenet #mastodonui #mastoui #MastoUX #mastodonux
It'd b nice if (in addtion to content warnings) masto had insertable "read more" buttons, like Tumblr. Like IK it shows up if u make a long post but... what if I wanna make a long post but don't want to buffer it with a CW, because it'll hide any images/tags? IDK #MastoDev #MastoUI