3 Bookmarks about a better search:
"Hashtag search on instances only shows you posts that are known to the instance (because of follow, boost or URL search).
When you are on a smaller instance, you won't find many posts. Because of that I build #mastovue years ago. I use it regularly to search for posts known to mastodon.social "
Browser extension for search on Chrome:
How to search hashtags on an other server:
3 Bookmarks about a better search:
"Hashtag search on instances only shows you posts that are known to the instance (because of follow, boost or URL search).
When you are on a smaller instance, you won't find many posts. Because of that I build #mastovue years ago. I use it regularly to search for posts known to mastodon.social "
How to search hashtags on another server:
Browser extension Chrome:
Found here a bookmark from someone that build an app Mastovue, probably that helps? Read also timeline there đ
"Hashtag search on instances only shows you posts that are known to the instance (because of follow, boost or URL search).
When you are on a smaller instance, you won't find many posts. Because of that I build #mastovue years ago. I use it regularly to search for posts known to mastodon.social "
@lakoja @ProgGrrl Correct. Hashtag search on instances only shows you posts that are known to the instance (because of follow, boost or URL search).
When you are on a smaller instance, you won't find many posts. Because of that I build #mastovue years ago. I use it regularly to search for posts known to mastodon.social
Compare https://mastovue.glitch.me/#/mastodon.social/federated/search to https://mastovue.glitch.me/#/vis.social/federated/search
könnt ihr jetzt nach Hashtags suchen und wÀhlen, ob ihr nur Ergebnisse von eurer lokalen Instanz (Server) oder alle Ergebnisse aus dem ganzen Fediversum erhalten möchtet.
#Mastodon #Suche #MastodonSuche #Hashtags #Suchfunktion #Mastovue
#mastodon #suche #mastodonsuche #hashtags #suchfunktion #mastovue
J'ai l'impression que mes petites expériences de carto du fediverse ont pas atteint la communauté francophone alors je vais faire un petit pouet en français. #fediversemap #mapstodon
Si ça vous tente d'explorer le fediverse à partir des relations de lecture entre instances c'est par là .
Le résutlat est un espÚce de mashup entre #mastovue et une carte de réseau. C'est assez marrant dans cette phase de découverte pour trouver de nouveau copains.
#fediversemap #mapstodon #mastovue
@AppleStrudelMan Actually, I was thinking of #mastovue, which was inspired by mastoview. https://mastovue.glitch.me/ @tretch
You can now search for #Hashtags with #mastoview and choosing if you want to get only results from one instance or its federated results.
#mastovue #tools #search #mastodon #mastoview #hashtags
Rebuilt #MastoView with #vuejs and added a Toots per user table.
New URL: https://mastovue.glitch.me/ #mastovue