@XavCC@mamot.fr Hum. Maybe @neet is tinkering around. That being said, login is not required to contribute, if it is urgent. It's brand fresh & new still, let's be patient a bit 😘 #MastoWiki
The full set of languages @neet is working one being precisely:
#MastoWiki 💪🏾
#MastoWiki Localisation & Internationalisation (@thx @neet
FR ☑ EN ☑ JA ☑ IT ❔ NL ❔
[FR] Tout propre, y'a plus qu'à contribuer. Avec toi ? (Old Skool tavu)
[EN] All set, let's do this. What about you?
@neet Here we go ;) https://fr.mstdn.wiki/Utilisateur:Shalf Thx a lot! #MastoWiki
@neet Thx a lot! Seems we do not have https enable there yet. /me in the starting blocks to create an account there too 😁
#MastoWiki https://mastodon.social/media/FD_DNYknZY-21JPqQro
@neet You're on a roll, thx a lot! Did you manage to "federate" logins / make a unique user for all languages too? Or should I create a separate account for fr. at least temporarily? What do you recommend for users willing to translate and contribute on all /several of them? #MastoWiki
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@neet Would totally be helpful to create links with the Japanese version too ofc, and start translating what you have there, to have several language versions of the same page, à la Wikipedia.
@neet And here we go, let's get the contribution flowing :)
Would it be possible to deploy a fr.mstdn.wiki (no idea what work burden it would put on your shoulders, sorry) too, and have consolidated accounts to be able to contribute cross-sub-domains? A good bunch of French-speaking veteran mediawiki admins were eager to contribute after Maloki's first call, I'm pretty sure they would be of great help to you.
Thx a lot for the set-up!
@funambuline @numerama C'est une seule personne qui a un day job (avec une proto communauté qui commence à prendre sur GitHub, la decision d'open sourcer la chose n'a que 11 jours, ça a beaucoup aidé les progrès récents je pense) et n'a à ma connaissance pas encore vraiment de plan pour l'avenir proche ;) => @eurasierboy (le 2nd contributeur principal, @neet, est l'admin du tout frais http://en.mstdn.wiki par ailleurs ;) #MastoWiki)
@maloki @Yukari Hey. Was beating a deadline for a client, so off Mastodon the whole day :) @neet did an amazing job!
Thanks to all who kept #MastoWiki going forward!
Annonce: le #mastowiki est en migration de
https://wiki.nofftopia.com/doku.php vers
Recherche des traducteurs.
original msg :
@Yukari We're basically trying to get in touch with admins there, we didn't found their accounts here yet. #MastoWiki
@Yukari Anyway you could accelerate a bit dialogue, registration, contribution for us on mstdn.wiki? #MastoWiki
So far, I emailed, but nothing.
@maloki @shalf@mastodon.cx @donnerdrummel@social.wxcafe.net Defining "In charge" in our communities might take a bit more than some night hours, as you know 😬 Let's see how efficiently/quickly we can communicate with the Japanese team.
@maloki Email sent yesterday, no news yet (couldn't manage to register, despite google translating the page :p). Is one of their admin here with a dedicated account too, as far as you know? #MastoWiki