"My thoughts turn to... #Pruning.
Ideally, the first #Blasts of #Winter have left their mark & stripped the #Trees of #Leaves.
I delay my pruning because, for me, #Vision is crucial.
The #Art of pruning involves seeing into the #Future.
I'm like a #Bonsai #Gardener... shaping each #Tree for the long term.
When working with #Dying trees, I feel one of the ...#Strongest #Emotions a farmer has:
A sense of #Hope."
- David "Mas" #Masumoto, #Peach & #Grape Farmer & #Author, #Epitaph for a #Peach
#Pruning #blasts #winter #trees #leaves #vision #art #future #bonsai #gardener #tree #dying #strongest #emotions #hope #masumoto #peach #grape #author #epitaph