Després de veure #enolaholmes2 ( #EnolaHolmes ja ens va encantar) em reafirmo. Més saga EnolaHolmes i menys #JasonBourne. Gràcies per fer-nos descobrir la història de #SarahChapman i les #matchgirls1888 #matchgirlsstrike #UnionOfWomenMatchMakers #BryanAndMay
#enolaholmes2 #EnolaHolmes #jasonbourne #sarahchapman #matchgirls1888 #matchgirlsstrike #unionofwomenmatchmakers #bryanandmay
Detail in minutes #matchgirls1888 “the girls retired to the coffee rooms….having had no food for some time were invited to have some refreshment” reveals the hardship faced by those going on strike for union recognition, pay and conditions.
Preparing for a TUC diploma course group visit this afternoon and excited to have found the pages in the London Trades Council minutes for July 1888 where they resolve to support the Match Workers Strike meeting a representation of the #matchgirls1888