The deception of the alleged patriots #MikeLindell and #MarkTaylor
Of presidential advisors who turn into supposed firefighters and then also have the rare connection to the Lord #MyPillowGuy #prophetMarkTaylor #prophet #JeffFoxworthy #DonaldTrump #DonaldTrumpAdvisor #TG23 #OperationMindfuck #hive #hiveclowns #matchup #matchups
#mikelindell #marktaylor #mypillowguy #prophetmarktaylor #prophet #jefffoxworthy #donaldtrump #donaldtrumpadvisor #tg23 #operationmindfuck #hive #hiveclowns #matchup #matchups
grown up from poverty ...
that always sells very well: #ChelseaClinton plays #IndigoChild #AkianeKamarick #TG23 #OperationMindfuck #hive #hiveclowns #matchup #matchups
#chelseaclinton #indigochild #akianekamarick #tg23 #operationmindfuck #hive #hiveclowns #matchup #matchups
The husband is not enough for the Hunziker
... but he will be cut from the same cloth. #MichelleHunziker is #Porne #ToriBlack #TG23 #OperationMindfuck #hive #hiveclowns #matchup #matchups
#michellehunziker #porne #toriblack #tg23 #operationmindfuck #hive #hiveclowns #matchup #matchups
one more played faggot in the round dance ...
Swiss Federal Council #ChristofBlocher plays #WalterAndreasMüller actor and comedian #TG23 #OperationMindfuck #hive #hiveclowns #matchup #matchups
#christofblocher #walterandreasmuller #tg23 #operationmindfuck #hive #hiveclowns #matchup #matchups
Shamelessness has a name: #Utsava #utsavapsychic prophet is german cancellor #Merkel #AngelaMerkel
what are the chances that all the so-called prophecies are made up from scratch? #TG23 #OperationMindfuck #hive #hiveclowns #matchup #matchups
#utsava #utsavapsychic #merkel #angelamerkel #tg23 #operationmindfuck #hive #hiveclowns #matchup #matchups
Spirituality fraud no.2, Penny Torres #Mafu
#PennyTorres is played by #PattydArbanville who is an alter of #JZKnight and #IlonaStaller #spiritualfraud #spiritualfrauds #ascendedmasters #GalacticFederationOfLight #GalacticFederationOfLies
#cicciolina #V #aleistercrowley #swansong #TG23 #OperationMindfuck #hive #hiveclowns #matchup #matchups
#mafu #pennytorres #pattydarbanville #jzknight #ilonastaller #spiritualfraud #spiritualfrauds #ascendedmasters #galacticfederationoflight #galacticfederationoflies #cicciolina #v #aleistercrowley #swansong #tg23 #operationmindfuck #hive #hiveclowns #matchup #matchups
One more #MatchUp tonight: Aeon Flux vs. Motoko Kusanagi (Ghost in the Shell). Who will find victory?
#aeonflux #ghostintheshell #scifi #matchup
:youtube: Lenlow - J - Lo vs K - Co vs S - Wo – DESTRY6077
Kurt Cobain + Stevie Wonder + Jennifer Lopez