I made a #material3 -like #smartphone #wallpaper and decided to share it, incase someone is interested. I' not sure if it gets compressed by uploading it here.
#material3 #smartphone #wallpaper
I'm super happy to see #Thunderbird for #Android has a change to the #Material3 UI before changing the name from K9-Mail.
I've been using it for years, and it's an excellent email client. The UI is really the only thing that I can see needing improvement because it looks dated.
The one thing I didn't see on the list was adding calendars. That would be the icing on the cake.
#thunderbird #android #material3
Вот так ли нужен этот #material3 ? Не знаю... 😒
Сейчас приложение отлично, замечательно выглядит на любых девайсах. А с Material 3 даже не знаю... на пикселях то будет хорошо, это понятно.
I just noticed that #k9mail has a #material3 testing branch. Would love to see that redesign happen!
Flutter 3.13 is here! 🥳
The release includes:
🦋 Performance improvements for Impeller on iOS
🖇️ Deeper browser integrations
🌐 Accessibility enhancements for Flutter on the web
Plus many bug fixes! 🪲
#flutter #FlutterCommunity #flutterdev #flutterdeveloper #android #ios #material3
#Flutter #fluttercommunity #flutterdev #flutterdeveloper #Android #ios #material3
I feel like I'm halfway through converting one of my first Android apps. This takes forever. These are apps I made almost 10 years ago and now I'm busy recovering them! First Kotlin, then JetPack compose, and then maybe Materials 3. Lot's to learn here in any case: #android #kotlin #kotlinmigration #jetpackcompose #material3
#android #kotlin #kotlinmigration #jetpackcompose #material3
Material Design はどうして必要?
#Android #MaterialDesign #Material3
#android #materialdesign #material3
What's the official “Edit & Save" pattern for Material Design 3? I can' t find any documentation around entering into an edit state and exiting it while saving.
I see the stock Android “Contacts” app has an “edit” icon that is replaced with a “Save" chip. That feels okay, but I see no mention of chips inside of App Bars, so it also feels like a one-off to avoid confusion around a “Save" icon? #Android #Dev #Design #UX #UI #MaterialDesign #Material3
#android #dev #design #ux #ui #materialdesign #material3
I have been working on migrating the apps to Material 3, there are a few things I need to tweak but it is looking good so far 😁. (Right-hand side is current)
#nomanssky #flutter #material3
"What’s new in Material 3 and how to migrate your Flutter app" https://codemagic.hashnode.dev/migrating-a-flutter-app-to-material-3 #flutter #material3 #appdev
Today #JetpackCompose #Material3 version 1.1.0-alpha04 was released with some cool new components:
- DatePicker ( https://developer.android.com/reference/kotlin/androidx/compose/material3/package-summary#DatePicker(androidx.compose.material3.DatePickerState,androidx.compose.ui.Modifier,androidx.compose.material3.DatePickerFormatter,kotlin.Function1,kotlin.Function0,kotlin.Function0,androidx.compose.material3.DatePickerColors) )
- Supports tooltips: PlainTooltipBox ( https://developer.android.com/reference/kotlin/androidx/compose/material3/package-summary#PlainTooltipBox(kotlin.Function0,androidx.compose.ui.Modifier,androidx.compose.material3.TooltipState,androidx.compose.ui.graphics.Shape,androidx.compose.ui.graphics.Color,androidx.compose.ui.graphics.Color,kotlin.Function1) )
- SwipeToDismiss ( https://developer.android.com/reference/kotlin/androidx/compose/material3/package-summary#SwipeToDismiss(androidx.compose.material3.DismissState,kotlin.Function1,kotlin.Function1,androidx.compose.ui.Modifier,kotlin.collections.Set) )
and BottomSheets are already on the horizon (https://android-review.googlesource.com/c/platform/frameworks/support/+/2350463)
#JetpackCompose #material3 #AndroidDev
"What’s new in Material 3 and how to migrate your Flutter app" https://codemagic.hashnode.dev/migrating-a-flutter-app-to-material-3 #flutter #material3 #appdev
"What’s new in Material 3 and how to migrate your Flutter app" https://codemagic.hashnode.dev/migrating-a-flutter-app-to-material-3 #flutter #material3 #appdev
I still think #Material3 for #JetpackCompose was only released as stable because of the dev summit, because talks were announced there.
I really hope that this will gain momentum...
So many important components are unfortunately still missing.
I still think #Material3 for #JetpackCompose was only released as stable because of the dev summit, because talks were announced there.
I really hope that this will gain momentum...
So many important components are unfortunately still missing.
Remember when we all used to download sketchy scripts to customize our social media sites? 😅
Wrote a little CSS to pull in some #MaterialYou / #Material3 component styles and colors. First is original look and feel followed by Material Purple and a light and dark green theme.