Building on the conversations and circumstances shared in the #JERWinter2022 #MaterialConditions forum, check out “The #JERPano Roundtable That Wasn’t” from @WillMackintosh @JohannNeem & @ImJessSaying2, a reflection on absences in our own practices:
#jerwinter2022 #materialconditions #jerpano
I think the problem with most of the Anti-AI-generated-images arguments are that they seem, *to me*, to be formulated such that they're only persuasive to folks who already accept certain philosophical concepts as a given, and therefore are kind of ineffective on people who aren't already predisposed to agree with them.
It also speaks, IMHO, to how thoroughly the practice of discussing material conditions has been suppressed, because the anti-AI argument, at its *core* is a labor solidarity argument, and that facet is - in the arguments I've seen - generally mentioned once and then raced past in favor of talking about "meaning" and the sanctity of the artist and other long-winded concepts that make me involuntarily roll my eyes and make a wanking motion.
AI-generated images are stealing jobs. They're taking roofs from over artists heads and food out of artists mouths.
#gpt3 #dalle #midjourney #aiart #stablediffusion #meaning #solidarity #materialconditions #labor #ArtificialIntelligence #art
#gpt3 #dalle #midjourney #aiart #stablediffusion #meaning #solidarity #materialconditions #Labor #artificialintelligence #art
Two articles from the #JERWinter2022 #MaterialConditions forum are freely available for the next month! Please check out these essays from @erin_bartram and Simon Finger:; and share, #Histodons!
#jerwinter2022 #materialconditions #histodons
The first essay, “Does the Field Deserve Our Work” is from and the second by Simon Finger, “Lessons from the Year without Archives,”: #JER #JERWinter2022 #MaterialConditions
#materialconditions #jerwinter2022 #jer
Thanks to Penn Press and Project MUSE, two articles from the #JERWinter2022 #MaterialConditions forum will be available open-access through February 8th, 2023. The first available essay, “Does the Field Deserve Our Work” is from Erin Bartram and the second by Simon Finger, “Lessons from the Year without Archives." Please download and check them out!
#jerwinter2022 #materialconditions
Forget Andor, I just overheard today’s sinterklaasjournaal.
Because of a pietentekort (Piet shortage), the pieten have to work gruesomely hard this year. So Sinterklaas has a great idea: everyone gets a medal!!
And I’m sitting here and I can’t decide whether that’s incredibly tone deaf or the wildest, most precise commentary on libertarian capitalism I have ever heard.
#placatetheproletariat #materialconditions
The #JERWinter2022 issue has a forum focused on “The Material Conditions of Historians’ Labor.” #MaterialConditions features short essays from the scholars below that each speak to a particular perspective on the range of intense challenges faced by humanities researchers ⬇️
#jerwinter2022 #materialconditions