The "Crown to Couture" exhibition at Kensington Palace features fabulous red carpet looks inspired by even more fabulous 18th century court dress in the Historic Royal Palaces' collections.
On til 29 October 2023.
#fashion #HistoricalDress #FashionHistory #DressHistory #MaterialCulture @histodons @matculture
#materialculture #dresshistory #fashionhistory #historicaldress #fashion
speaking of articles, I forgot to post about my fabulous team's latest journal article:
"“I’m Not Searching the Right Words”: User Experience Searching Historic Clothing Collection Websites"
if you can't access this DOI:
then look for the Accepted Manuscript here:
#musetech #ux #search #metadata #materialculture
I know it looks like a bicentennial-themed product c 1976, but this textile is from 1785, called the "apotheosis of Franklin" (!!!) and a piece is being auctioned at Swann's tomorrow. (Tempted, but no, not bidding!) #VastEarlyAmerica #MaterialCulture #Founders
#vastearlyamerica #materialculture #founders
Unser Lektürehinweis zum #TagDerProvenienzforschung:
#WerkstattGeschichte 77/2018 "umstrittene objekte", der Thementeil hg. von Felix Brahm & Bettina Brockmeyer mit Beiträgen der beiden sowie von Felix Schürmann ( & Holger Stoecker.
Alles online zugänglich unter:
@histodons @historikerinnen @museum
#CulturalHeritage #Objektgeschichte #MaterialCulture #Museum #collections #Sammlungen #Provenienzforschung #ProvenanceResearch
#tagderprovenienzforschung #werkstattgeschichte #culturalheritage #objektgeschichte #materialculture #museum #collections #sammlungen #provenienzforschung #provenanceresearch
#WerkstattGeschichte 85/2022 jetzt komplett online zugänglich!
🧵 [4/ ]
Auch im Mittelteil in unserer kleinformatigen #Objektgeschichte-Rubrik #Dingfest: der Beitrag von Markus Speidel (@alltagmuseum) über "Das Klebeband" (im #Museum).
Zum download:
#MaterialCulture #Collections #EverydayObjects #Sammlungen #Museumsdinge #Alltagskultur #Alltagsgeschichte
#werkstattgeschichte #objektgeschichte #dingfest #museum #materialculture #collections #everydayobjects #sammlungen #museumsdinge #Alltagskultur #Alltagsgeschichte
Can the National #Glass Centre be saved? Apollo Magazine
"The first time most people heard of Britain’s National Glass Centre was in January 2023, when the BBC and the Observer reported that its owner, the University of Sunderland, had decided to close it down within three years. The story of the NGC’s rise and prospective fall is a case study in how applied arts education is being dismantled, year by year, in universities around the country."
#glass #museums #materialculture
Look what came in yesterday’s mail! A copy of the Chinese edition of my book. :)
#clutter #clutterbook #organizing #decluttering #MaterialCulture #consumerism #bookstodon
#bookstodon #consumerism #materialculture #decluttering #Organizing #clutterbook #clutter
Who remembers overhead projectors? When did you last see one in action?
#histodons #history #internationalism #scihistodons #histsci #STS #conferences #objects #materialculture #infrastructure
#infrastructure #materialculture #objects #conferences #sts #histsci #scihistodons #internationalism #History #histodons
To turn to more edifying #Irish topics of interest to #MaterialCulture @histodons:
My "haystack" measure made by Joseph Austin & Son of Cork, c. 1828-33. It held 1 noggin=1 gill=1/4 pint=5 imperial fl. oz.
These delightful measures were never exported to the United States & are therefore found here either because Irish immigrants brought them with them or because collectors later acquired them. The marks are of the reign of George IV, when it was made, William IV, & apparently, George V
What is "All Hands on Deck"? It's a genuinely cross-disciplinary symposium @ UTS 19-21 July 2023, investigating the future of work, skill requirements and material production at a time of human and environmental calamity. It asks: What kinds of work – paid and unpaid – will be genuinely needed in the future, and what sorts of skills and capacities will this require?
Convened by myself and Dr Chantel Carr. The keynote speakers are Prof Alice Twemlow and Emeritus Prof Tim Ingold. Full speakers and abstracts lists due out in a matter of days... and the schedule and registration will be available soon after that.
#allhandsondeck2023 #futureofwork #futureskills #labourstudies #energyfutures #decarbonisation #justtransitions #environmentallabourstudies #design #designstudies #humangeography #labourgeographies #UTS #materialculture #repair #trades #skill #technicalskill #craft #manufacturing #production #workers #industrialrelations
#allhandsondeck2023 #futureofwork #futureskills #labourstudies #energyfutures #decarbonisation #justtransitions #environmentallabourstudies #design #designstudies #humangeography #labourgeographies #uts #materialculture #repair #trades #skill #technicalskill #craft #manufacturing #production #workers #industrialrelations
A Carrol for Valentines-Day
A #17thCentury #ballad #carol for #valentinesday describing the #gifts & #traditions of the day.
From A Cabinet of choice jewels, 1688
#earlymodern @earlymodern #earlymusic @earlymusic #materialculture
#histodon #histodons @histodon @histodons #seventeenthcentury #history #historical #valentine #valentines #valentinesdaymusic #valentinesdaysong #valentinesdaysongs #valentineday #otd #onthisday #onthisdayinhistory #valentinesdayhistory #happyvalentinesday
#17thcentury #ballad #carol #valentinesday #gifts #traditions #earlymodern #earlymusic #materialculture #histodon #histodons #seventeenthcentury #history #historical #valentine #valentines #valentinesdaymusic #valentinesdaysong #valentinesdaysongs #valentineday #otd #onthisday #onthisdayinhistory #valentinesdayhistory #happyvalentinesday
instructor: Ryan Cordell
full description and application can be found using QR code or link in bio!
#3dprinting #bookhistory #mediastudies #specialcollections #libraries #archives #museums #interdisciplinary #pedagogy #teachingandlearning #culturalhistory #materialculture #bibliography #criticaltheory #historyoftechnology #instruction #undergraduateresearch #graduateresearch #researchmethodology #booklab #handsoneducation #letterpress
#3dprinting #bookhistory #mediastudies #specialcollections #libraries #archives #museums #interdisciplinary #pedagogy #teachingandlearning #culturalhistory #materialculture #bibliography #criticaltheory #historyoftechnology #instruction #undergraduateresearch #graduateresearch #researchmethodology #booklab #handsoneducation #letterpress
For #Caturday, some #historical gems (1)
Cat & Mouse: Höchst manufactory, c. 1760, Museum of Fine Arts #Boston.
#Germany #porcelain #EighteenthCentury #MaterialCulture
#caturday #historical #boston #germany #porcelain #eighteenthcentury #materialculture
Found these in Mum’s ‘secret’ stamp collection.
New on #Commonplace! How does a puzzle version of Harriet Beecher Stowe's 1852 novel, Uncle Tom's Cabin, destabilize the narrative? Patricia Jane Roylance explains in our newest post. Read here:… #twitterstorians #VastEarlyAmerica #materialculture
#commonplace #twitterstorians #vastearlyamerica #materialculture
When you turn a novel into a jigsaw puzzle, what does it do to the narrative thread of the story? Patricia Jane Roylance wrestles with this problem concerning an Uncle Tom's Cabin puzzle in a new piece assembled and disassembled for #MaterialCulture #histodons Check it out here:
Another fascinating tidbit from one of the excellent series of videos produced by the Museum für Vorgeschichte Halle:
This beautiful and fragile piece of Frankish glassware came to Thüringen from Cologne far to the west (c. 470-530)
But how?
Written sources dating to Classical Antiquity explain that delicate glassware was shipped in boxes filled with butter
Good morning #Fediverse :fediverse:! Hope you've all had a great weekend. In this morning's #ConnectionList #Introduction #Connections post, in which I help to more richly connect us together, I'd like you to meet:
@ZoeGlatt is a #PhD candidate and #DigitalEthnography #researcher, and founder of @DigitalEthnographyCollective. They (not assuming pronouns) are submitting in March and are interested in jobs researching #SocialMedia culture, #CreativeLabour and #CreativeIndustries
@ndporter is into #SocialScience, #Data and #DataEquity and works with the #Carpentries. The #Carpentries is a volunteer-driven movement to provide #researchers with foundational computational skills in technologies like #Python 🐍, #Git ⌨️ and #HPC #programming 💻
@pip works in #design for #AI at #CSIRO #ProductManagement
@safiyanoble is the author of "Algorithms of Oppression", which if you haven't read it, should be on your reading list, especially if you're into #AIethics or #FairML. It sits in a similar space to @VirginiaEubanks "Automating Inequality" and shows how algorithms serve to reinforce existing structures of oppression, particularly of POC.
@fionatribe is a #CulturalAnthropology person who is interested in #MaterialCulture, #Architecture and #Anthropology
@metasecsol works as an #InfoSec researcher at the #W3 and as a #Lecturer in #InformationSecurity #DevSecOps
#fediverse #connectionlist #introduction #connections #phd #digitalethnography #researcher #socialmedia #creativelabour #creativeindustries #socialscience #data #dataequity #carpentries #researchers #python #git #hpc #programming #design #ai #csiro #productmanagement #aiethics #fairml #CulturalAnthropology #materialculture #architecture #anthropology #infosec #w3 #Lecturer #informationsecurity #devsecops