Stiefo v4.0 is out now!
I worked on it for the last 2 years to release a big Material You redesign with many improvements and new features. Give the German shorthand Stiefo a try (if you speak German fluently) and get my app!
Download it for free on Google Play:
#stiefo #stiefografie #steno #stenography #german #shorthand #language #android #materialdesign #materialyou
#stiefo #stiefografie #steno #stenography #German #shorthand #language #android #materialdesign #MaterialYou
This screenshot from @system76's latest #cosmic related blog post gives me so many #MaterialYou vibes. People knowing me know i absolutely love this implementation of #materialdesign . I can't describe how much i want cosmic. I am sure this theming system will make for a very personalized and enjoyable, modern looking experience on the #linuxdesktop !
#cosmic #MaterialYou #materialdesign #linuxdesktop
#GWB - Google-Konto: Neues Material You-Design für das Menü und Kontowechsel wird ausgerollt (Screenshots) - #google-account #materialdesign #materialyou #Google
#gwb #google #materialdesign #MaterialYou
Ich nutze am Smartphone gern die Mastodon-App für Android. Im letzten Release wurde diese nach den "Material You"-Designansetzen umgestaltet. So richtig habe ich mich noch nicht damit anfreunden können. Je länger ich die neue Version nutze, desto besser komme ich damit klar. Aber um das Gefühl, dass die Masto-App damit ein bisschen von ihrer Unterscheidbarkeit von anderen Anwendungen aufgegeben hat, komme ich noch nicht ganz umhin. Klar, das kann man eigentlich auch positiv sehen, aber wenn man sich einmal an das ursprüngliche Design gewöhnt hat, ist das nicht unbedingt so einfach.
#Mastodon #Mastodonapp #Android #MaterialYou #Material #MaterialDesign #Design #App #Fediverse
#mastodon #mastodonapp #android #MaterialYou #material #materialdesign #design #app #fediverse
#GWB - Google Chrome: Es wird bunter auf dem Desktop – Material You-Design zeigt sich im Canary (Screenshots) - #materialdesign #googlechrome #materialyou #Google
#gwb #materialdesign #googlechrome #MaterialYou #google
For a company application I need to pick one of these #component frameworks: #naiveui #primevue #quasar #vuetify
- It's a fresh project using #vue v3 and consumes #apollo #graphql
- It will have #Datatables and #calendar functionalities
- It needs to be styled so that it fits to the company branding (but we are using #roboto and we are very close to #materialdesign)
Which component framework do you prefer and why?
Are there any others that are useful?
Please #boost for visibility 👁️
#boost #materialdesign #roboto #calendar #datatables #graphql #apollo #vue #vuetify #quasar #primevue #naiveui #component
For a company application I need to pick one of these #component frameworks: #naiveui #quasar #primevue #vuetify
- It's a fresh project using #vue v3 and consumes #apollo #graphql
- It will have #Datatables and #calendar functionalities
- It needs to be styled so that it fits to the company branding (but we are using #roboto and we are very close to #materialdesign)
Which component framework do you prefer and why?
Are there any others that are useful?
Please #boost for visibility 👁️
#boost #materialdesign #roboto #calendar #datatables #graphql #apollo #vue #vuetify #primevue #quasar #naiveui #component
Material Design はどうして必要?
#Android #MaterialDesign #Material3
#android #materialdesign #material3
How quickly meanings accumulate around an image like this.
What does it mean to you?
#materialdesign #poeticicons #meaningoficons #artmemes #meme #contemporaryart #fineart #icon #digitalart #UI #UX #visualpoem #visualtrends #UXDesign #UIDesign #conceptualart #graphicdesign a 24"x24" poster
#materialdesign #poeticicons #meaningoficons #artmemes #meme #contemporaryart #fineart #icon #DigitalArt #ui #ux #visualpoem #visualtrends #uxdesign #uidesign #conceptualart #graphicdesign
Sometimes an icon is just a label...but think how much it means.
#materialdesign #poeticicons #meaningoficons #artmemes #meme #contemporaryart #fineart #icon #digitalart #UI #UX #visualpoem #visualtrends #UXDesign #UIDesign #conceptualart #graphicdesign a 24"x24" poster
#materialdesign #poeticicons #meaningoficons #artmemes #meme #contemporaryart #fineart #icon #DigitalArt #ui #ux #visualpoem #visualtrends #uxdesign #uidesign #conceptualart #graphicdesign
Is this a blusher, or a software tool?
#materialdesign #poeticicons #meaningoficons #artmemes #meme #contemporaryart #fineart #icon #digitalart #UI #UX #visualpoem #visualtrends #UXDesign #UIDesign #conceptualart #graphicdesign a 24"x24" poster
#materialdesign #poeticicons #meaningoficons #artmemes #meme #contemporaryart #fineart #icon #DigitalArt #ui #ux #visualpoem #visualtrends #uxdesign #uidesign #conceptualart #graphicdesign
This interaction seems more effective as it relates to UI elements, e.g., Apple Mail, than the primary interaction for a carousel widget.
Reinventing the carousel
Pacman meets the clock.
#materialdesign #poeticicons #meaningoficons #artmemes #meme #contemporaryart #fineart #icon #digitalart #UI #UX #visualpoem #visualtrends #UXDesign #UIDesign #conceptualart #graphicdesign a 24"x24" poster
#materialdesign #poeticicons #meaningoficons #artmemes #meme #contemporaryart #fineart #icon #DigitalArt #ui #ux #visualpoem #visualtrends #uxdesign #uidesign #conceptualart #graphicdesign
When an icon re-enforces illusions about controlling time.
#materialdesign #poeticicons #meaningoficons #artmemes #meme #contemporaryart #fineart #icon #digitalart #UI #UX #visualpoem #visualtrends #UXDesign #UIDesign #conceptualart #graphicdesign a 24"x24" poster
#materialdesign #poeticicons #meaningoficons #artmemes #meme #contemporaryart #fineart #icon #DigitalArt #ui #ux #visualpoem #visualtrends #uxdesign #uidesign #conceptualart #graphicdesign
When an icon re-enforces illusions about content.
#materialdesign #poeticicons #meaningoficons #artmemes #meme #contemporaryart #fineart #icon #digitalart #UI #UX #visualpoem #visualtrends #UXDesign #UIDesign #conceptualart #graphicdesign a 24"x24" poster
#materialdesign #poeticicons #meaningoficons #artmemes #meme #contemporaryart #fineart #icon #DigitalArt #ui #ux #visualpoem #visualtrends #uxdesign #uidesign #conceptualart #graphicdesign
Sound waves? Radar beams? What exactly does this remind you of?
#materialdesign #poeticicons #meaningoficons #artmemes #meme #contemporaryart #fineart #icon #digitalart #UI #UX #visualpoem #visualtrends #UXDesign #UIDesign #conceptualart #graphicdesign a 24"x24" poster
#materialdesign #poeticicons #meaningoficons #artmemes #meme #contemporaryart #fineart #icon #DigitalArt #ui #ux #visualpoem #visualtrends #uxdesign #uidesign #conceptualart #graphicdesign
Who needs an icon to remind them of the old way to program?
#materialdesign #poeticicons #meaningoficons #artmemes #meme #contemporaryart #fineart #icon #digitalart #UI #UX #visualpoem #visualtrends #UXDesign #UIDesign #conceptualart #graphicdesign a 24"x24" poster
#materialdesign #poeticicons #meaningoficons #artmemes #meme #contemporaryart #fineart #icon #DigitalArt #ui #ux #visualpoem #visualtrends #uxdesign #uidesign #conceptualart #graphicdesign
As an affordance on a map, this icon seems to contradict itself.
#materialdesign #poeticicons #meaningoficons #artmemes #meme #contemporaryart #fineart #icon #digitalart #UI #UX #visualpoem #visualtrends #UXDesign #UIDesign #conceptualart #graphicdesign a 24"x24" poster
#materialdesign #poeticicons #meaningoficons #artmemes #meme #contemporaryart #fineart #icon #DigitalArt #ui #ux #visualpoem #visualtrends #uxdesign #uidesign #conceptualart #graphicdesign
#GWB - Android: Googles Designer zeigen neues Material You-Element – die Neuerfindung des Karussells (Video) - #materialdesign #materialyou #android #Google
#gwb #materialdesign #MaterialYou #android #google
How much meaning and promise have been transferred from a physical button that started tape moving forward into an electronic icon that triggers code.
#materialdesign #poeticicons #meaningoficons #artmemes #meme #contemporaryart #fineart #icon #digitalart #UI #UX #visualpoem #visualtrends #UXDesign #UIDesign #conceptualart #graphicdesign a 24"x24" poster
#materialdesign #poeticicons #meaningoficons #artmemes #meme #contemporaryart #fineart #icon #DigitalArt #ui #ux #visualpoem #visualtrends #uxdesign #uidesign #conceptualart #graphicdesign