#Thunderbird sieht nach dem Update ja mal so richtig doof aus im Zusammenhang mit #MaterialShell 😕
Ja, funktioniert auch nach nem Restart 😀 Verhält sich nur ein wenig seltsam mit #MaterialShell, indem nur der VM-Manager in der oberen Leiste angezeigt wird, die laufende VM aber nicht (ungleich zu #DashToPanel.
Heißt, man braucht bei #MaterialShell idealerweise Hotkeys, um zu navigieren.
I'm testing this different kind of shell on my Manjaro :manjaro: ... I have to say its workflow is more comfortable than the default Gnome experience... 👇🏼 💡 :linux:
4/ #MaterialShell was the closest second to #PaperWM for me. Some decent ideas there. Still, I usually want my tall pane on the right and it is just not an option with Material Shell. I also dislike that it forces the Gnome top bar to the left, though I can live with that.
What are people using for #tiling under #Wayland? Of course there's #Sway, but I prefer to run under a DE (as I have done with #xmonad and #XFCE for years). #Gnome seems to be the only stable DE on Wayland. Tried #PaperWM, #PopShell, #MaterialShell, #TidalWM. None are a great replacement for xmonad but some come close. (feedback so far to follow)
#TidalWM #materialshell #popshell #paperwm #GNOME #XFCE #xmonad #sway #Wayland #tiling
RT @PapyElGringo@twitter.com
I'm proud to present https://material-shell.com
Material Shell is a modern desktop interface for Linux - packaged as an extension for GNOME Shell.
Improve your user experience and get rid of the anarchy of traditional desktop workflows.
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/PapyElGringo/status/1306176650703503360
Material-Shell, a new interface (including a tiling manager) using GNOME: https://material-shell.com #materialshell #gnome #linux #ui
#materialshell #gnome #linux #ui
#MaterialShell, #tilling desktop #interface for #Linux (and #Gnome)
#materialshell #interface #gnome #linux #tilling