Jezebel: Sex. Celebrity. Politics. With Teeth: Almost 2 Million Women Now Live in 'Double Deserts' Without Abortion or Maternity Care #Jezebel #blackmaternalmortalityintheunitedstates #sexualandreproductivehealth #abortioninindia #jessicavalenti #eugenedeclercq #maternaldeath #juliastrasser #socialissues #pregnancy #midwifery #abortion #roevwade #wade #roe
#jezebel #blackmaternalmortalityintheunitedstates #sexualandreproductivehealth #abortioninindia #jessicavalenti #eugenedeclercq #maternaldeath #juliastrasser #socialissues #pregnancy #midwifery #abortion #roevwade #wade #roe
Failure to recognise ectopic pregnancy causing women’s deaths, says expert | Pregnancy | The Guardian
#ectopicpregnancy #maternaldeath
Jezebel: Sex. Celebrity. Politics. With Teeth: Pregnancy Is Not a Benign Event #Jezebel #health2cmedical2cpharma #reproductivehealth #humanreproduction #krystinapacheco #women27shealth #eringloriaryan #maternaldeath #birthcontrol #nishaverma #pregnancy #midwifery #abortion #medicine #articles #health #wade #roe #rtt
#jezebel #health2cmedical2cpharma #reproductivehealth #humanreproduction #krystinapacheco #women27shealth #eringloriaryan #maternaldeath #birthcontrol #nishaverma #pregnancy #midwifery #abortion #medicine #articles #health #wade #roe #rtt
Jezebel: Sex. Celebrity. Politics. With Teeth: Even Before Roe Was Overturned, Maternal Mortality Rates Were Going Up #Jezebel #nationalcenterforhealthstatistics #health2cmedical2cpharma #academicdisciplines #iffathabbasihoskins #reproductivehealth #medicalterminology #matthewkacsmaryk #susanrinkunas #mortalityrate #maternaldeath #mifepristone #socialissues #erikbaptist #population #demography #midwifery #abortion
#jezebel #nationalcenterforhealthstatistics #health2cmedical2cpharma #academicdisciplines #iffathabbasihoskins #reproductivehealth #medicalterminology #matthewkacsmaryk #susanrinkunas #mortalityrate #maternaldeath #mifepristone #socialissues #erikbaptist #population #demography #midwifery #abortion
Maternal deaths in the US rose 40% in 2021 (the latest year for which data is available), and the highest rate in over 55 years.
Women who give birth today are 4x more likely to die in the process than were their own mothers.
The rate was going up, even before the Covid pandemic started, but Covid worsened the problem.
#MaternalDeath #pregnancy #healthcare #mortality #covid #cdc
#maternaldeath #pregnancy #healthcare #mortality #covid #cdc
Jezebel: Sex. Celebrity. Politics. With Teeth: Mississippi Governor Suddenly Supports Postpartum Medicaid Now That a Democrat Is on His Tail #Jezebel #federalassistanceintheunitedstates #healthcarereformintheunitedstates #presidencyoflyndonbjohnson #health2cmedical2cpharma #derricksimmons #brandonpresley #maternaldeath #robertjohnson #unitedstates #socialissues #elvispresley #mississippi #tatereeves #midwifery
#jezebel #federalassistanceintheunitedstates #healthcarereformintheunitedstates #presidencyoflyndonbjohnson #health2cmedical2cpharma #derricksimmons #brandonpresley #maternaldeath #RobertJohnson #unitedstates #socialissues #elvispresley #mississippi #tatereeves #midwifery
YOU'RE PROBABLY GETTING SCREWED by Lack of Maternal Healthcare
#MaternalHealth #HandsOffOurHealthcare #MaternalMortality
#maternalhealth #handsoffourhealthcare #maternalmortality #maternaldeath
Emory Hospital Fired A Group of Nurses for Mocking Their Pregnant & Postpartum Patients on Tik Tok | #complicationsofpregnancy #health2cmedical2cpharma #epiduraladministration #humanreproduction #postpartumperiod #amberroseisaac #women27shealth #maternaldeath #socialissues #childbirth #obstetrics #midwifery #medicine #tiktok #health #rtt
#complicationsofpregnancy #health2cmedical2cpharma #epiduraladministration #humanreproduction #postpartumperiod #amberroseisaac #women27shealth #maternaldeath #socialissues #childbirth #obstetrics #midwifery #medicine #tiktok #Health #rtt