Title: #Principia #Mathematica II
Author: #Ludwig #Wittgenstein (Text), #Salavdor #Dali (Illustrations)
Language: #English, middle circa 1250 CE
Depth of Recovery: 16,357
Description: A 1200-page 'sequel' to the 3-Volume Principia Mathematica written by #Alfred #North #Whitehead and #Bertrand #Russell published in the early #20th #century .
#scp #1986
#principia #mathematica #ludwig #wittgenstein #salavdor #dali #english #alfred #north #whitehead #bertrand #russell #20th #century #scp
Released into the #PublicDomain, and uploaded to #WikimediaCommons together with the #Mathematica script used to generate it: https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Non_chaotic_double_pendulum.gif
#mathematica #wikimediacommons #publicdomain
Just uploaded a computational essay written in #Mathematica that was very challenging to pull together, largely because the language has a very steep learning curve.
I carried out some basic analysis of measures implemented by national governments during the early months of the #COVID19 pandemic.
The notebooks seem to corrupt a lot (on my system, perhaps?), so I figured I would put a copy on #GitHub for posterity.
My son (5y/o) suddenly developed a passion for labyrinths. After drawing a ton of them by hand over the weekend, today I decided to write a small #Mathematica script to automatically generate them 🤓
These days, everyone and their grandmama are writing #DataScience code snippets (or generating them using ChatGPT). Good for them.
But they who do not develop enterprise-grade software or implement life-critical systems should just use #Jupyter, #Mathematica, or similar #LiterateProgramming environments, instead of mucking about with IDEs, compilers, build systems, CI/CD pipelines, containers, and all that jazz.
For internal-use software, literate programming offers many advantages, especially to those who do not write #programmes habitually. The live notebook is both the information repository and the information presentation medium. And it encourages the script writers to document their code. Typically, live notebook coders are also the users, so it behooves them to keep the whole documents, not just the code snippets, up-to-date.
The collection of live notebooks serve not only as a code repository but also as an institutional knowledge base, thereby preserving, refining, and multiplying the intellectual property of the organisation.
And most enterprise applications developed for internal use have horrid user interfaces, be they Gnome or Tcl/Tk or React or Angular. It is more aesthetically pleasing and more intellectually appealing to have live notebooks as the canonical user interfaces.
#programmes #literateprogramming #mathematica #jupyter #datascience
Using #Mathematica, and doing some simulation and guessing, I've determined the following:
If you roll an n-sided die repeatedly, then the roll on which you are most likely to see your first repeated result is the \(m\)th, where \(m\) is the closest integer to \[1+\sqrt{n+\frac{1}{4}}.\] If the fractional part of \(m\) is \(\frac{1}{2}\), then it is an exact tie between two rolls.
I'm fairly certain of this, but I can't actually derive it!
Released into the #PublicDomain and uploaded to #WikimediaCommons, together with the #Mathematica script used to generate it: https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Shadow_faster_than_light.webm
#mathematica #wikimediacommons #publicdomain
I verify my #NBody simulations that I use in #Traveller and #2300AD against real-world spacecraft. Here is my Voyager 1 Io flyby, simulated and all rendered in #Mathematica
#nbody #traveller #2300AD #mathematica
2019 LD2 plotted in a frame co-rotating with Jupiter. All Jupiter Trojans (blue) and Hildas (red) are plotted as well. Jupiter is represented by the orange dot and 2019 LD2 represented by the purple dot. #NBody #Mathematica
Released into the #PublicDomain, and uploaded it to #WikimediaCommons together with the #Mathematica script used to generate it: https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Van_Cittert-Zernike.webm
#mathematica #wikimediacommons #publicdomain
Released into the #PublicDomain and uploaded to #WikimediaCommons, together with the #Mathematica script used to generate it: https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Ferromagnet_hysteresis.webm
#mathematica #wikimediacommons #publicdomain
Je découvre #BoolDOreille (https://bookdoreille.com/); Les livres audio sont vendus sans DRM visiblement.
Je pense que je vais craquer sur #Mathematica de David Bessis.
Depuis que je l'ai entendu chez Yann Moix il y a quelques semaines, je cherchais le livre audio et ne l'avais trouvé que chez Audible. Bon, j'ai pas cherché H24 non plus hein !
What's best free - free as in free speech - alternative to Wolfram Mathematica.
#mathematica #wolfram #maths #foss #libre_software #free_software
#free_software #libre_software #foss #maths #wolfram #mathematica
Hmm, I've never seen #Mathematica acknowledge the existence of other software. It's a good thing they do though because that built-in mp4 encoder is sloooooow.
Unless I'm missing something, and I've spent a long time searching, #Mathematica doesn't have a function for likelihood ratio tests to compare intercept and no-intercept models.
A lesser-known fact: `BesselJZero[ν, 𝑘]` works for non-integer 𝑘 too, and it has a meaning. It's not simply 𝑘-th zero, it's the inverse function of the phase `Arg[HankelH1[ν, 𝑥]]/π+1/2`.
#WolframLanguage #Mathematica
Considering how much #Mathematica costs it should work on at least one platform without constantly breaking.
It is the buggiest bit of software I've ever had to use, cloud and desktop version. I *might* prefer #Excel...
The documentation is bad too. There's a lot of it, but it's mostly written in gibberish with no useful tutorials, which is poor for a language with such a steep learning curve.
I tried to like it, but I'm looking forward to never using it again.
Question for anyone who's an engineer, a mathematician, or a software developer: do you ever use tools like #mathematica, #sympy, or other computer algebra systems?
Question du jour :
Imaginez que vous avez un rendez-vous galant 💏 avec une charmante personne qui vous offre ce tableau intitulé « Les mathématiciens rêvent de π » comme cadeau.
Quelle serait votre réaction ?
#psychologie #psychology #math #mathhumour #mathishuman #mathématiques #mathematica
#psychologie #psychology #math #mathhumour #mathishuman #mathematiques #mathematica