Using #MathJax with #Quarto, you can have maths blocks fenced by either `$$...$$` or `\\[...\\]`. However, you need to use double backslashes for the latter but not the dollar delimiters. These attached are the same.
#mathjax #Quarto #remindertoself
Using #MathJax with #Quarto you can fence maths blocks with either `$$ ... $$` or `\\[ ... \\]`. However, in the latter case you need to double the backslashes within the block. The attached two are the same. #remindertoself
#mathjax #quarto #remindertoself
Depuis, des améliorations ont été apportées à #MD2HTML. 😉
Voici un rendu avec une version qui intègre mieux un "responsive" (cf image). ⤵️
#Markdown #TexLaTeX #LaTeX #mathjax #HTML
L'appli MD2HTML :
Cc : @saveanno
#md2html #markdown #texlatex #latex #mathjax #html
📚 If you want to combine the best of both worlds: Here’s a quick tutorial on how to enable and use #LaTeX in #Markdown files with #MathJax:
💡 And for a deeper dive into the topic, check out: Markdown vs. LaTeX for #ScientificWriting
#latex #markdown #mathjax #scientificwriting
@Muemmel @rust_discussions does it do slides yet? That could be a place where adoption could be faster, because you don’t need to submit in a certain format. (Also, if they could target html with JavaScript rather than pdf, that would be great.)
(The main reason I don’t use #LaTeX much anymore is I don’t really want pdfs most of the time. I do use #TeX syntax in my #Markdown, in conjunction with #MathJax.)
#latex #tex #markdown #mathjax
Comment je me sert de l'outil #MD2HTML pour partager des corrections (et bientôt les leçons et correction d'exercice) à mes élèves.
Le lien vers le corrigé (que j'héberge mais les élèves pourrait tout aussi bien le télécharger depuis un cloud) :
Le sujet est accessible dans le corrigé.
Le lien vers l'appli web que j'utilise :
Avantage : l'affichage s'adapte à la machine qu'utilise l'élève. 😉
#md2html #markdown #html #latex #mathjax
** #MD2HTML vers 1.4 **
Convertir du #Markdown en #HTML
(avec prise en charge d'équations en #LaTeX et du code HTML)
Modifications :
- intégration de #mathjax.js dans la page HTML téléchargée pour améliorer l'affichage des équations sur téléphone et tablette
- possibilité de nommer les fichiers avant téléchargement
- des "getElementByID" à gogo pour faciliter la mise à jour de cette appli web
#md2html #markdown #html #latex #mathjax
Is there an accessible way to post mathematical formulae on Hachyderm?
I'd like to make a post that includes one or two, but I don't know if Hachyderm supports MathJax, or how well MathJax interacts with screenreaders.
#hachyderm #mathjax #accessibility
recent favorite web #discovery:
It's a nice cheat sheet on a lot of #LaTeX / #MathJax #markup for creating #mathematical notation.
I get a strange pleasure from typing in the somewhat arcane markup to create beautiful mathematic formulas.
(I mainly use this when taking notes in #Obisidan)
#discovery #latex #mathjax #markup #mathematical #obisidan
Your mileage may vary:
switched to the svg renderer in safari and not quite what I expected :blobcockatiel:
A second blog post of the “Quarto Q&A” series.
This time, I will show how to activate additional MathJax packages in a Quarto document.
Ich habe in der Schule unseren Admin gefragt, der meinte, dass wahrscheinlich nur #MathJax oder #KATex in Frage kommen. Beispiele aus Tutorials legen für mich nahe, dass die sich sehr ähnlich sind, die Beispiele funktionieren auch jeweils in einer Box von #EduMaps. Hat jemand eine Idee, wie ich herausfinden kann, was genau verwendet wird oder ist das egal, da beide den gleichen Funktionsumfang haben?
#FediLZ #texlatex #edumaps #katex #mathjax
I need to enable #MathJax on my #writefreely self-hosted blog, Anyone with experience on that, in the room?
Would be great to have #Mathjax implemented on this Mastodon instance so I can follow content more easily.
My GitHub blog post about math syntax was the 4th most popular of the year! 🥳
Cool MathJAX in Emacs. Thanks to Sergey.
#mathjax #emacs #latex #math #mathematics #SoftwareHub #Ankara #Turkiye #Turkey
#mathjax #emacs #latex #math #mathematics #SoftwareHub #ankara #turkiye #turkey